Examples of Electric Bill in a sentence
Mortgage Purchase Statement or Rental/Lease Agreement SRP/APS Electric Bill displaying parent name and address Southwest Gas Bill displaying parent name and home address Water Bill displaying parent name and home address*District guidelines for Proof of Residency have been established and will be adhered to for all students.
In the event of any inconsistency between the PSEG Long Island’s Community Distributed Generation Net Crediting Manual and this Tariff, the Tariff will govern The CDG Net Crediting Program allows Customers that are also CDG Satellites to receive a CDG Member Net Credit on their Electric Bill in lieu of receiving the CDG Member Full credit on their Electric Bill and then receiving an additional bill from the CDG Host.
Proof of Residency Main: (Must be current within the last 30 days) Mortgage Purchase Statement or Rental/Lease Agreement SRP/APS Electric Bill displaying parent name and address Southwest Gas Bill displaying parent name and home address Water Bill displaying parent name and home address*District guidelines for Proof of Residency have been established and will be adhered to for all students.
The allocated credits will be refunded to customers on kilowatt-hour or kilowatt basis through the existing Electric Bill Credit Mechanism.
A CDG Satellite’s applied credit cannot exceed the amount of a CDG Satellite’s Electric Bill during an individual billing period.
CDG Subscription Fee: An amount which reduces the Applied Credit on a CDG Satellite’s Electric Bill, such that the CDG Satellite receives a net credit at the CDG Savings Rate.
Letter to Ms. Johnston- I 9 10 Richards from Mr. Richards 17 Dated June 30, 2003 18 2 Photo I 60 61 19 3 September 2003 Phone Bill I 72 73 20 4 September 2003 Electric Bill I 74 75 21 .
Participant acknowledges and agrees that the Electric Bill to which the Annual Incentive Payment is associated with the Participant’s Solar Unit(s), shall reflect those rates and charges established or changed from time to time by COOPERATIVE.
SizeInstall CostProduction1st Year Electric Bill Savings490 kW$1,368,000721,000 kWh$182,200Table 1: Case 1 Project Information The financial analysis includes an assessment of PACE and 4 other purchase/finance structures available to the business owner: cash, loan, operating lease, and a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA).
Auditor will ensure that all the expenditure i.e. Construction work, Material Procurement, Electric Bill, Telephone Bill, Diesel, Petrol, Vehicle Bill, House Rent etc.