Examples of Electricity Infrastructure in a sentence
No application fee is required to be paid by any electricity utility that is paying the municipal electricity infrastructure maintenance fee pursuant to the Electricity Infrastructure Maintenance Fee Act.
Specification of work covers the following scope of work: The scope of work under the subject work includes Survey, planning, design, engineering, assembly manufacturing, testing, supply, loading, transportation, unloading, insurance, delivery at site, handling, storage, installation, testing, commissioning and documentation of all items/material required to complete the Electricity Infrastructure works in ………..
Through the World Bank supported New Renewable Electricity Generation and Electricity Infrastructure in Tonga program Codes of Environmental Practice (COEP) for the energy sector have been developed.
Edison Electric Institute, Federal Siting Authority: Key to Expanding Electricity Infrastructure, available at [http://www.eei.org/industry_issues/energy_infrastructure/ transmission/federalsiting.pdf].
POJK 6/2017 issued as the technical implementation of the Presidential Regulation No.14/2017 regarding the Acceleration of Electricity Infrastructure Development and to facilitate the listed SOE in implementing its mandate.
The Native Title Body Corporate grants to Ergon Energy an irrevocable and non-exclusive license to use for Ergon Energy's purposes any land adjacent to the Ground Based Electricity Infrastructure which is necessary for the operation of the Ground Base Electricity Infrastructure and the Native Title Body Corporate will not grant any other licences, permissions, authorities or consents over those areas inconsistent with this licence.
Coordinated Cyber or Physical Attacks on Electricity Infrastructure and GridEx ProgramFor decades, NERC and the bulk power industry defined system security as the operating aspects that enable the BPS to withstand sudden, unexpected disturbances, such as short circuits or unanticipated loss of system elements due to natural causes.
Lead Commissioner Workshop on Electricity Infrastructure Issues in California.
Federal Siting Authority: Key to Expanding Electricity Infrastructure.
The city specifically reserves the right to disclose to its duly authorized agent, under interlocal agreement, such information and right to inspect the books and records of the city as may be necessary or appropriate for the accurate billing and collection of the tax, and the diligent enforcement of this article.