Emergency supply definition

Emergency supply means 72-hour supplies of the prescribed medication that is dispensed if the prescriber cannot readily obtain authorization, or if the physician is not available to consult with the pharmacist, including after hours, weekends, holidays and the pharmacist, in his professional judgment consistent with current standards of practice, feels that the patient’s health would be compromised without the benefit of the drug, or other criteria defined by theP & T Committee and DMAS.
Emergency supply means up to a 30-day supply.
Emergency supply means any supply of the Product under this Supply Agreement pursuant to an Emergency Use Authorisation; “Emergency Use Authorisation” means any emergency use approval issued pursuant to legislation implementing Article 5(2) of Directive 2001/83/EC in the Territory (or any replacement or superseding legislation);1 “Facilities” means each and all of the facilities used in respect of the Manufacturing of the Product to be supplied pursuant to this Supply Agreement; "Field" means the prophylaxis to and treatment of an infection caused by (b) přeměny podmíněného schválení (např. schválení Evropskou komisí podle čl. 14a nařízení (ES) č. 726/2004, které umožňuje uvedení Přípravku na trh na daném Území) na nepodmíněné Regulační schválení, je-li to nezbytné; „Strana zpřístupňující informace“ má význam uvedený v odst. 15.1.2; „Dokumentace“ má význam uvedený v odst. 5.5; „Darovat“ má význam uvedený v odst. 0; „Dávka“ znamená tři sta (300) miligramů podaných ve formě směsi dvou druhů dlouhodobě působících protilátek (LAAB), tixagevimabu (AZD8895) a cilgavimabu (AZD1061), každý po sto padesáti (150) miligramech. „Datum účinnosti“ znamená datum, k němuž je tato Smlouva o dodávkách podepsána oběma Smluvními stranami; „EMA“ znamená Evropskou agenturu pro léčivé přípravky; „Dodávka na základě schválení pro podmínečné použití“ znamená jakoukoli dodávku Přípravku podle této Smlouvy o dodávkách na základě Schválení pro podmínečné použití; „Schválení pro podmínečné použití“ znamená schválení pro podmínečné použití vydané podle právních předpisů, jimiž se na Území provádí čl. 5 odst. 2 směrnice 2001/83/ES (nebo právních předpisů, které tyto nahrazují);2 „Zařízení“ znamená všechna zařízení využívaná při Výrobě Přípravku, který má být dodán podle této Smlouvy o dodávkách; „Oblast“ znamená profylaxi a léčbu infekce způsobené virem SARS-CoV-2 u lidí; pro upřesnění, profylaxe vyžaduje použití jedné (1) dávky přípravku a

Examples of Emergency supply in a sentence

  • Additionally, the Contractor shall provide for the dispensing of at least a seventy-two (72) hour Emergency supply of a covered outpatient prescription drug, as required under 42 U.S.C 1396r- 8(d)(5)(B), without prior authorization.

  • Additionally, the Contractor shall provide for the dispensing of at least a seventy -two (72) hour Emergency supply of a covered outpatient prescription drug, as required under 42 U.S.C 1396r- 8(d)(5)(B), without prior authorization.

  • This level can be calculated with the help of following formula: Danger Level =Average rate of consumption x Emergency supply time.

  • Emergency supply of critical medicationsFor children’s critical medications, including those taken at home, we ask for a 3-day supply to be stored on site along with our disaster supplies.

  • Under the proposed treaty, profits which are derived by an enterprise of one country from the operation in international traffic of ships or aircraft (``shipping profits'') are taxable only in that country, regardless of the existence of a permanent establishment in the other country.

More Definitions of Emergency supply

Emergency supply means a seventy-two (72) hour supply.
Emergency supply means a 72-hour supply of the prescribed medication that is may be dispensed if the prescriber cannot readily obtain authorization, or if the physician is not available to consult with the pharmacist, including after hours, weekends, holidays or other criteria defined by the P&T Committee and DMAS.
Emergency supply means a 72-hour supply of the prescribed medication that is dispensed if the physician is not available to consult with the pharmacist, including after hours, weekends, holidays or other criteria defined by the P&T Committee and DMAS.
Emergency supply means a person appointed, in accordance the Education Act and Regulations, to teach in the case of an emergency. For the purposes of clause "emergency" shall be defined as a situation in which no member on the Casual Occasional Teachers' List is available for an assignment after the Board has made a reasonable effort to contact all members on the Casual Occasional Teachers' List, subject to location and assignment preferences. 'Occasional shall mean an 'Occasional Teachef as defined in the EducationAct and regulations. 'Casual Occasional Teacher' means a teacher who is required to teach for a period that is less than twelve (12) consecutive teaching days and who is employed to teach as a substitute for a permanent, probationary or temporary teacher.
Emergency supply means 72-hour supplies of the prescribed medication that may be dispensed if the prescriber cannot readily obtain authorization, or if the physician is not available to consult with the pharmacist,
Emergency supply means 72-hour supplies of the prescribed medication that may be dispensed