Employee Work on Recognized Holidays definition

Employee Work on Recognized Holidays. If an employee hired under the "on call" schedule is specifically instructed and required by Producer to perform work on a recognized holiday, under the direction and control of Producer, he shall be paid an additional one-fifth (1/5) of his "on call" weekly rate in effect for each such day so worked. "On Call" Employee Work on Six (6) or Seven (7) Days Within the Employee's Workweek - If an employee hired under the "on call" schedule is specifically instructed and required by Producer to perform work on six (6) or seven (7) days within the employee's workweek, under the direction and control of the Producer, he shall receive one and one-half times one fifth (1/5) of the "on call" weekly rate in effect for the sixth or seventh day(s) so worked.
Employee Work on Recognized Holidays. If an employee hired under the "On Call" Schedule is specifically instructed and required by Producer to perform work on a recognized holiday under the direction and control of Producer, he shall be paid an additional one-fifth (1/5) of the "on call" weekly rate in effect for each such day so worked. "On Call" Employee Work on Six (6) or Seven (7) Days Within the Employee's Workweek - If an employee hired under the "On Call" Schedule is specifically instructed and required by Producer to perform work on six (6) or seven (7) days within the employee's workweek, under the direction and control of the Producer, he shall receive one and one-half times one-fifth (1/5) of the "on call" weekly rate in effect for the sixth or seventh day(s) day so worked. Such provisions shall apply to employees hired under the "On Call" Schedule who, having commenced work on the previous day, continue to work past 1:00 a.m. on such sixth or seventh day worked in an employee's workweek or recognized holiday, as the case may be, and who worked at least fifteen (15) hours, including meal period, before being dismissed on such sixth or seventh day worked in an employee's workweek or recognized holiday, as the case may be. In any event, an employee hired under the "On Call" Schedule who does not so work past 1:00 a.m. on such sixth or seventh day worked in an employee's workweek or recognized holiday shall not be deemed to have worked on such day by reason of work between 12:00 midnight and 1:00 a.m. of that day.

Related to Employee Work on Recognized Holidays

  • Holidays shall be deemed to mean and include New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.

  • Public Holidays means public holidays under NI Act., at the place where the Equipment is located, when banks are closed for business.

  • NERC Holidays means a holiday as defined by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation or any successor thereto.

  • Customized employment means an approach to supported employment which individualizes the employment relationship between employees and employers in ways that meet the needs of both. Customized employment is based on an individualized determination of the strengths, needs, and interests of the person with a disability and is also designed to meet the specific needs of the employer. Customized employment may include employment developed through job carving, self-employment or entrepreneurial initiatives, or other job development or restructuring strategies that result in job responsibilities being customized and individually negotiated to fit the needs of the individual with a disability. Customized employment assumes the provision of reasonable accommodations and supports necessary for the individual to perform the functions of a job that is individually negotiated and developed.

  • Time Worked means time during which an employee is performing labor or services for the benefit of an employer, including all time s/he is suffered or permitted to work, whether or not required to do so.

  • Sick Leave means the period of time an employee is absent from work by virtue of being sick or disabled or because of an accident not covered by Workers' Compensation.

  • Core Hours means the period beginning at 8am and ending at 6.30pm on any day from Monday to Friday except Good Friday, Christmas Day or bank holidays;

  • Non-working Day means any day upon which an employee, pursuant to the terms of the contract of employment, is not available to the employer for the purposes of rostering the ordinary hours of work.

  • Electronic Subcontracting Reporting System (eSRS) means the Governmentwide, electronic, web-based system for small business subcontracting program reporting. The eSRS is located at http://www.esrs.gov.

  • Training hour means at least 50 minutes of actual learning, including, but not limited to, time devoted to lecture, learning activities, small group activities, demonstrations, evaluations, and hands-on experience.

  • Off-Peak Hours means those hours which are not On-Peak Hours.

  • Accrued Professional Compensation means, at any given moment, all accrued, contingent and/or unpaid fees and expenses (including, without limitation, success fees) for legal, financial advisory, accounting and other services and reimbursement of expenses that are awardable and allowable under section 328, 330(a) or 331 of the Bankruptcy Code and were rendered before the Effective Date by any Retained Professional in the Chapter 11 Cases, or that are awardable and allowable under section 503 of the Bankruptcy Code, that have not been denied by a Final Order, all to the extent that any such fees and expenses have not been previously paid (regardless of whether a fee application has been filed for any such amount). To the extent that the Bankruptcy Court or any higher court denies or reduces by a Final Order any amount of a Retained Professional’s fees or expenses, then those reduced or denied amounts shall no longer constitute Accrued Professional Compensation.

  • Paid sick leave – means paid leave under the Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act.

  • Normal Working Hours means between the hours of 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday, inclusive. Saturdays, Sundays, and County holidays are excluded.

  • Holiday means the twenty-four (24) hour period commencing at 0001 hours of a day designated as a paid holiday in this Agreement.

  • Clearance System Business Day means, with respect to the Clearance System, any day (other than a Saturday or Sunday) on which the Clearance System is open for the acceptance and execution of settlement instructions.

  • Service Period has the meaning given to it in Framework Schedule 4 (Template Order Form and Template Call Off Terms) as refined by a Contracting Body in a Call Off Agreement between that Contracting Body and the Supplier;