Engineers' Certificate definition
Examples of Engineers' Certificate in a sentence
When the work to be performed under this Contract is substantially completed in accordance with the Contract Documents, the Engineer shall prepare an Engineer's Certificate of Substantial Completion to be acknowledged and accepted by the Owner and the Contractor.
ENGINEER will, within ten (10) days after receipt of each Contractor's Application for Payment, Contractor's Declaration and Payment Schedule, either indicate in writing a recommendation of payment and present an Engineer's Certificate for Payment to the OWNER, or may return the Application to CONTRACTOR indicating in writing ENGINEER's reasons for refusing to recommend payment.
All projects requiring a or Florida Department of Environmental Protection 36 Permit will not receive water service until the Pinellas County Utilities 37 receives a SEALED copy of the Engineer's Certificate of Completion and 38 Compliance (As-built plans, if applicable) and a Release Form from the 39 Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP).
Whenever any of the Trust Equipment shall suffer a Casualty Occurrence, the Company shall on or before the next following May 15, deliver to the Trustee an Engineer's Certificate describing such Trust Equipment and stating the Value thereof as of the date such Trust Equipment suffered such Casualty Occurrence.
The Owner’s Engineer shall file with the Municipal Engineer, prior to commencement of construction, a written undertaking with respect to the said works, which undertaking shall include the provision of the Engineer's Certificate upon completion that the execution of the works has been in accordance with the approved plans, Municipal standards and specifications and the terms of this Agreement.