ENTRY INTO FORCE AND DURATION OF MOBILITY. 2.1 The agreement shall enter into force on the date when the last of the two parties signs.
ENTRY INTO FORCE AND DURATION OF MOBILITY. 2.1 The agreement shall enter into force on the date when the last of the two parties signs.
2.2 The mobility period shall start on [date] and end on [date]. The start date of the mobility period shall be the first day that the participant needs to be present at the receiving organisation. [Institution to select for participants attending a language course provided by another organisation than the receiving institution/organisation as a relevant part of the mobility period abroad: The start date of the mobility period shall be the first day of language course attendance outside the receiving organisation]. The end date of the period abroad shall be the last day the participant needs to be present at the receiving organisation.
2.3 The participant shall receive a financial support from Erasmus+ EU funds for […] months and […] days [if the participant receives a financial support from Erasmus+ EU funds: the number of months and extra days shall be equal to the duration of the mobility period. If the participant receives a financial support from Erasmus+ EU funds combined with a zero-grant period: the number of months and extra days shall correspond to the period covered by financial support from Erasmus+ EU funds, which shall be provided at least for the minimum duration of the period abroad (2 months for traineeships and 3 months or 1 academic term or trimester for studies)]; [If the participant receives a zero-grant for the entire period: this number of months and extra days should be 0].
2.4 The total duration of the mobility period shall not exceed 12 months, including any zero grant period.
2.5 Demands to the institution to extend the period of stay should be introduced at least one month before the end of the originally planned mobility period.
2.6 The Transcript of Records or Traineeship Certificate (or statement attached to these documents) shall provide the confirmed start and end dates of duration of the mobility period.
ENTRY INTO FORCE AND DURATION OF MOBILITY. 2.1 The agreement shall enter into force on the date when the last of the two parties signs.
2.2 The mobility period shall start on [date] and end on [date]. The start date of the mobility period shall be the first day that the participant needs to be present at the receiving [institution/ organisation] and the end date shall be the last day the participant needs to be present at the receiving [institution/organisation]. [Institution to select the applicable option: [Travel time is excluded from the duration of the mobility period.] or [One day for travel before the first day of the activity abroad [and/or] one day for travel following the last day of the activity abroad shall be added to the duration of the mobility period and included in the calculation for individual support.]
2.3 The participant shall receive financial support from Erasmus+ EU funds for […] days of activity [the number of days shall be equal to the duration of the mobility period, except for zero-grant participants, where the number of days should be 0] and […] days for travel [for zero-grant participants, the number of travel days should be 0]. [Institution to select if applicable and complete with specific rules if needed: The participant shall receive a financial support other than Erasmus+ EU funds for […] days of activity.]
2.4 The total duration of the mobility period shall not exceed 2 months, with a minimum of 5 days per mobility activity. [For teaching mobility: A minimum of 8 teaching hours per week (or any shorter period of stay) has to be respected. If the mobility lasts longer than one week, the minimum number of teaching hours for an incomplete week shall be proportional to the duration of that week. If the teaching activity is combined with a training activity during a single period abroad, the minimum is reduced to 4 teaching hours per week (or any shorter period of stay). There is no minimum number of teaching hours for invited staff from enterprises. The participant shall teach a total of […] hours in [...] days].
2.5 The participant may submit any request concerning the extension of the mobility period within the limit set out in article 2.
ENTRY INTO FORCE AND DURATION OF MOBILITY. 2.1 This agreement shall enter into force on the date when the last of the two parties signs, and into effect on the day following its publishing in the Central Register of Contracts (the "CRZ") administered by the Slovak Republic Government Office. In case of publishing this agreement in the CRZ, the institution binds itself to anonymise personal data of the participant and the signatures of the parties as a personal expression of physical entity.
ENTRY INTO FORCE AND DURATION OF MOBILITY. 2.1 The agreement shall enter into force on the date when the last of the two parties signs (receipt of decision letter).
2.2 The mobility period shall start on the date stated in the Mobility Agreement for Teaching/Training. The start and the end date of the mobility period shall be the first day that the participant needs to be present at the receiving institution/organisation and the end date shall be the last day the participant needs to be present at the receiving institution. One day for travel before the first day of the activity abroad and/or one day for travel following the last day of the activity abroad may be added to the duration of the mobility period and included in the calculation for individual support, if these days are not part of the work period.
2.3 The participant shall receive support from Xxxxxxx+ EU funds for the number of days of activity stated in the formal decision letter (or subsequent amendment). [If the participant receives financial support from Erasmus+ EU funds: the number of days shall be equal to the duration of the mobility period; if the participant receives financial support from Erasmus+ EU funds combined with a zero-grant period the number of days shall correspond to the period covered by a financial support from Erasmus+ EU funds, which shall be provided at least for the minimum duration of the period abroad (2 days per mobility period); if the participant receives a zero-grant for the entire period: this number of days should be 0.]
2.4 The total duration of the mobility period shall not exceed 2 months, with a minimum of 2 consecutive days per mobility activity. For teaching-only mobility: A minimum of 8 teaching hours per week (or any shorter period of stay) has to be respected. If the mobility lasts longer than one week, the minimum number of teaching hours for an incomplete week shall be proportional to the duration of that week. A scaled additional week is calculated as: (8 hours divided by 5) x number of additional days. A chart is available if you are unsure. The participant shall teach the number of hours agreed to in the Mobility Agreement (or subsequent amendment). For a combined teaching and training activity during a single period abroad: the minimum is reduced to four teaching hours per week (or any shorter period of stay). All other conditions and requirements for a teaching mobility must be met. The participant shall teach the number of hours agreed to in the Mobility Agreement (or subsequent amend...
ENTRY INTO FORCE AND DURATION OF MOBILITY. 2.1 The agreement shall enter into force on the date when the last of the two parties signs.
2.2 The mobility period shall start on [date] and end on [date]. The start and the end date of the mobility period shall be the first day that the participant needs to be present at the receiving [institution/organisation] and the end date shall be the last day the participant needs to be present at the receiving [institution/organisation]. [Institution/organisation to select the applicable option: [Travel time is excluded from the duration of the mobility period.] or [One day for travel before the first day of the activity abroad [and/or] one day for travel following the last day of the activity abroad shall be added to the duration of the mobility period and included in the calculation for individual support.]
2.3 The participant shall receive support from Erasmus+ EU funds for […] days of activity [If the participant receives financial support from Erasmus+ EU funds: the number of days shall be equal to the duration of the mobility period]
2.4 The total duration of the mobility period, shall not exceed 2 months with a minimum of 2 consecutive days per mobility activity. [For teaching mobility [The participant shall teach a total of […] hours in [...] days].
2.5 The participant may submit any request concerning the extension of the mobility period within the limit set out in article 2.
ENTRY INTO FORCE AND DURATION OF MOBILITY. 2.1 The agreement shall enter into force on the date when the last of the two parties signs.
2.2 The mobility period shall start on [date ] at the earliest and end on [date ] at the latest. The start and the end date of the mobility period shall be the first day that the participant needs to be present at the receiving [institution/organisation] and the end date shall be the last day the participant needs to be present at the receiving [institution/organisation]. One day for travel directly before the first day of the activity abroad or one day for travel directly following the last day of the activity abroad shall be added on top of the duration of the mobility period and shall be considered as well for the calculation of the individual support.
2.3 The participant shall receive financial support from EU funds for [ ] days of activity [if the participant has a financial support from EU funds: this number of days shall be equal to the duration of the mobility period; if the participant has a financial support from EU funds [for HIGHER EDUCATION only] combined with zero-grant days: this number of days shall correspond to the days covered by a financial support from EU funds; if the staff is a zero-grant participant for the entire period: this number of days should be 0] and […] days for travel For teaching mobility, the participant shall teach a total of 8 hours.
2.4 The total duration of the mobility period, shall not exceed 2 months per year with a minimum of 2 days per mobility activity. [for teaching mobility for HIGHER EDUCATION only: and minimum of 8 hours of teaching per week (or any shorter period of stay)].
2.5 The participant may submit any request concerning the extension of the mobility period within the limit set out in article 2.
ENTRY INTO FORCE AND DURATION OF MOBILITY. 2.1 The agreement shall enter into force on the date when the last of the two parties signs.
2.2 The physical mobility period shall start on [date] at the earliest and end on [date] at the latest. The start date of the physical mobility period shall be the first day that the participant needs to be physically present at the receiving organisation and the end date shall be the last day the participant needs to be physically present at the receiving organisation.
2.3 The participant shall receive a financial support from Erasmus+ EU funds for […] months and […] days. […] travel days are added to the duration of the mobility period and included in the calculation of the individual support.
2.4 The participant may submit a request concerning the extension of the mobility period within the limits set out in the Erasmus+ Programme guide. If the organisation agrees to extend the duration of the mobility period, the agreement shall be amended accordingly.
2.5 The [choose what is applicable: transcript of records/traineeship certificate/certificate of attendance (or statement attached to these documents)] shall provide the confirmed start and end dates of duration of the mobility period, including the virtual component.
ENTRY INTO FORCE AND DURATION OF MOBILITY. 2.1 The agreement shall enter into force on the date when the last of the two parties signs.
2.2 The physical mobility period shall start on [date] at the earliest and end on [date] at the latest. The start date of the mobility period shall be the first day that the participant needs to be physically present at the receiving organisation and the end date shall be the last day the participant needs to be physically present at the receiving organisation. If applicable, [X] travel days shall be added to the duration of the mobility period and included in the calculation of the individual support.
2.3 The total duration of the physical mobility period shall not exceed [X days] [to be completed by the organisation according to the Erasmus + Programme Guide rules]. [For teaching mobility [The minimum number of teaching hours as per the Erasmus + Programme Guide rules needs to be respected. The participant shall teach a total of […] hours in [...] days]].
2.4 The participant may submit a request concerning the extension of the mobility period within the limit set out in article 2.
ENTRY INTO FORCE AND DURATION OF MOBILITY. 2.1 The agreement shall enter into force on the date when the last of the two parties signs.
2.2 The physical mobility period shall start on [date] at the earliest and end on [date] at the latest. The start date of the mobility period shall be the first day that the participant needs to be physically present at the receiving organisation and the end date shall be the last day the participant needs to be physically present at the receiving organisation. [Organisation to select for participants attending a language course provided by another organisation than the receiving organisation as a relevant part of the mobility period abroad: The start date of the mobility period shall be the first day of language course attendance outside the receiving organisation]. If applicable, [X] travel days shall be added to the duration of the mobility period and included in the calculation of the individual support.
2.3 The participant shall receive a financial support from Erasmus+ EU funds for [[for long-term mobility] […] months and […] days / [for short-term mobility] […] days]].
2.4 [For long-term mobility] The total duration of the physical mobility period shall not exceed 12 months, including any zero grant period. [For short-term mobility] The total duration of the physical mobility period shall not exceed 30 days.
2.5 The participant may submit a request concerning the extension of the mobility period within the limit set out in article 2.