Field trips definition
Field trips means infrequent or irregularly scheduled excursions from the center.
Field trips. I will use transportation provided by Mt. San Antonio College for field trips.
Field trips means infrequent or irregularly scheduled excursions from the licensed family child care home.
Examples of Field trips in a sentence
Field trips are academic activities that are held off school grounds.
Exception: Field trips away from the premises are a covered service when the trip is therapeutic and integrated into the day treatment program’s description and milieu plan.Day treatment coverage will be limited to a maximum of 15 hours per week.
Field trips solely for student entertainment are prohibited when using public funds.
FIELD TRIPS Field trips are academic activities that are held off school grounds.
Field trips are available to all cadets who maintain good standing in AFJROTC.
More Definitions of Field trips
Field trips means infrequent or irregularly scheduled excursions from the camp.
Field trips are when individual students or groups of students are invited to programs or events when there is no competition and the students are not interacting with each other for the purpose of planning, qualifying, or arranging for future programs or for the purpose of receiving recognition.
Field trips as used herein shall mean a community outing for consumers for other than employment, community integration, and/or training related purposes. Employees working field trips will be paid for actual hours worked, with a guaranteed minimum of two (2) hours. Field trips will be timed in fifteen (15) minute increments. Employees who work on a Special Olympics field trip on a Saturday or Sunday will receive a minimum of six (6) hours pay.
Field trips means infrequent or irregularly scheduled excursions from the licensed type B home or from the child’s own home with an in- home aide.
Field trips. The transport of students from schools to extra-curricular 8 activities that require the “SCHOOL BUS SAFETY MANDATE” speech. 9
Field trips means infrequent or irregularly scheduled excursions from the home.