Examples of Final Transit in a sentence
DELIVERABLESThe CONSULTANT shall provide copies of all Technical Memoranda, Draft Documents, and the Final Transit and Bus Stop Design Guidelines in electronic and paper formats.
Final Transit Area Specific Plan EIR.b Estimated population associated with approved units, under construction units, and the proposed project was determined by using the residents per unit evaluated within the TASP FEIR (17,915 residents / 7,109 units = 2.52 residents per unit).Source: Sarah Fleming, 2017.
James Wightman, Interested Citizen, asked when the July Service Changes will take effect and asked about the impacts to Bus Route 11 under the Final Transit Service Plan.
Draft and Final Transit Marketing PlanThe Transit Marketing Plan shall include a preferred strategy or prioritized or strategies with implementation steps and a timeline; estimated costs; and potential funding sources.
These outliers can only be removed after the absolutehomogeneity of the CRM has been independently established, i.e. the outliers must be confidently deemed to be analytical rather than arising from inhomogeneity of the CRM.
Department of Transportation Act (DOT) Section 4(f)The U.S. Department of Transportation Act of 1966 (DOT Act) protects publicly owned parks, recreation areas, wildlife and waterfowl refuge areas, or public and private historic sites.
D4.18 Final Transit Service & Infrastructure Plan.D4.18.1 Must include all deliverables from the Draft Transit Service & Infrastructure Plan, and include an explanation of how the draft was updated and modified based on the public and stakeholder engagement.
Plan Bay Area 2040: Final Transit Operating and Capital Needs and Revenue Assessment, http://2040.planbayarea.org/sites/default/files/2017-07/Transit_Op-Capital_Needs_ Asses_DPBA2040_Supplemental%20Report_7-2017.pdfCars have been given an outsize portion of the scarcest resource in our cities — space — forcing transit to sit in traffic.
It will be developed as follows: • Draft Transit Development Plan: 50 full copies plus 30 Executive Summaries • Final Transit Development Plan: 50 full copies plus 30 Executive Summaries In addition, an unbound hard copy and CD of the Final Transit Development Plan will be provided.
Publish Final Transit Development Plan• Prepare PowerPoint presentation for PTAC and Burlington City Council.• Provide City of Burlington staff copies of the Final Transit Development Plan for approval.