Examples of Fixed Rate Payer Period End Dates in a sentence
An OTC Transaction that does not specify one of following Business Day Conventions cannot be cleared: Business Day ConventionMarkit Wire/FpML CodeModified FollowingMODFFollowingFOLLPrecedingPRECAn OTC Transaction must apply a single Business Day Convention to each of: the Fixed Rate Payer Payment Dates, the Fixed Rate Payer Period End Dates, the Floating Rate Payer Payment Dates, the Floating Rate Payer Period End Dates, the Floating Rate Payer compounding dates, and the Termination Date.
Floating Rate Payer Period End Dates and Payment Dates: Same as Fixed Rate Payer Period End Dates and Payment Dates.
Fixed Rate Payer Period End Dates: The 15th calendar day of each month, commencing September 15, 2007 to and including the Termination Date, in each case, subject to adjustment in accordance with the Following Business Day Convention.
Fixed Rate Payer Period End Dates: Subject to the provisions regarding the final Fixed Rate Payer Period End Date below, 20 June 2007 and thereafter 20 December and 20 June in each year, subject to adjustment in accordance with the BusinessDay Convention.
Counterparty Fixed Rate Payer Period End Dates: The 25th calendar day of each month during the Term of this Transaction, commencing October 25, 2005 and ending on the Termination Date, with No Adjustment.