Product Terms means the document that provides information about Products available under this Agreement. The Product Terms document is published on the Licensing Site and is updated from time to time.
Use Terms means the Software Use Rights document as defined in the Order Form.
Service Terms means the rights and restrictions for particular Services located at xxxx:// (and any successor or related locations designated by us), as may be updated by us from time to time.
Freight means the remuneration payable to the carrier for the carriage of goods under a contract of carriage.
URL Terms means the terms with which Customer must comply, which are located at a URL, referenced in this Agreement and are hereby incorporated by reference.
Civil aircraft means any aircraft other than a public aircraft.
Agreed Terms means, in relation to a document, such document in the terms agreed between the Seller and the Purchaser and signed for identification purposes by the Seller’s Lawyers and the Purchaser’s Lawyers, with such alterations as may be agreed in writing between the Seller and the Purchaser from time to time;
General Terms means these terms and conditions.
Freight Forwarder means the person concluding a contract of Freight Forwarding Services with a Customer.
Service Specific Terms means the HCL document current at the date of Order which contains any terms specifically relating to a Service ordered by the Customer.
Specific Terms The terms and conditions as set out in clause 34 onwards which apply in respect of the specific Equipment hired by the Customer.
Delivery Terms as defined in Section 10.1;
Product Specific Terms means the terms applicable to a specific item of Licensed Software as set out in Schedule 2;
F.O.B. Destination means goods are to be delivered to the destination designated by the user which is the point at which the user accepts ownership or title of the goods. Laws of New Mexico specifically prohibit acceptance of ownership of goods in transit. Any exception to F.O.B. Destination may cause a bid to be declared nonresponsive.
Support Terms means the detailed description of the applicable Support Services as specified at xxxxx://
Maritime cargo handling services means activities exercised by stevedore companies, including terminal operators, but not including the direct activities of dockers, when this workforce is organised independently of the stevedoring or terminal operator companies. The activities covered include the organisation and supervision of:
Boeing is defined as The Boeing Company, its divisions, subsidiaries, affiliates, assignees of each, and their respective directors, officers, employees, and agents.
Public aircraft means an aircraft used exclusively in the service of any government or of any political subdivision thereof, including the government of any state, territory, or possession of the United States, or the District of Columbia, but not including any government-owned aircraft engaged in carrying persons or property for commercial purposes.
CIP (Destinations means Carriage and Insurance Paid up to named port of destination. Additionally the Insurance (local transportation and storage) would be extended and borne by the Supplier from ware house to the consignee site for a period including 3 months beyond date of delivery.
Applicable Technical Requirements and Standards means those certain technical requirements and standards applicable to interconnections of generation and/or transmission facilities with the facilities of an Interconnected Transmission Owner or, as the case may be and to the extent applicable, of an Electric Distributor, as published by Transmission Provider in a PJM Manual provided, however, that, with respect to any generation facilities with maximum generating capacity of 2 MW or less (synchronous) or 5 MW or less (inverter-based) for which the Interconnection Customer executes a Construction Service Agreement or Interconnection Service Agreement on or after March 19, 2005, “Applicable Technical Requirements and Standards” shall refer to the “PJM Small Generator Interconnection Applicable Technical Requirements and Standards.” All Applicable Technical Requirements and Standards shall be publicly available through postings on Transmission Provider’s internet website.
FOB means Free on Board
Commercial Terms means this Agreement excluding the Purchase Order;
Online Services Terms means the additional terms that apply to Customer’s use of Online Services published on the Licensing Site and updated from time to time.
Host At Destination means the person with whom the Insured is sharing prearranged overnight accommodations in the host's home.
Transportation network company rider or “rider” means an
Specifications and Standards means the specifications and standards relating to the quality, quantity, capacity and other requirements for the Project Highway, as set forth in Schedule-D, and any modifications thereof, or additions thereto, as included in the design and engineering for the Project Highway submitted by the Contractor to, and expressly approved by, the Authority;