Shipping Point Sample Clauses
Shipping Point. Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the parties, MSC will determine the method of shipment. Additional media and shipping and handling fee may apply to physical shipments.
Shipping Point. Title and risk of loss shall pass to Buyer at the place and time such material is placed into the possession of the carrier or shipper at the Seller’s location.
Shipping Point. Title and risk of loss shall pass to Buyer at the place and time such material
Shipping Point. Subject to establishment of satisfactory credit, terms are strictly net cash, thirty days from date of invoice payable in United States funds.
Shipping Point. Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the parties, MSC will determine the method of shipment. Additional media and shipping and handling fee may apply to physical shipments. V případě fyzického dodání dodá společnost MSC (nebo zajistí dodání) jednu kopii média se Softwarem (včetně - dle konkrétní objednávky - průvodní Dokumentace, pokud existuje, v elektronické nebo jiné formě všeobecně zpřístupněné společností MSC) každého Softwaru, na který byla podle tohoto Rozpisu objednávky udělena licence, na fyzickou adresu dodání stanovenou v Rozpisu objednávky. Podmínky dodání jsou FOB Shipping Point. Pokud není oběma smluvními stranami písemně dohodnuto jinak, určuje způsob dopravy společnost MSC. Na fyzické zaslání se může vztahovat poplatek za dodatečná média, zaslání a manipulaci. To the extent available, additional Documentation may be licensed at MSC’s then-current prices. Dodatečná Dokumentace může být v dostupném rozsahu společností MSC licencována za v dané době aktuálně platné ceny. INSTALLATION AND AUTHORIZATION CODES. Customer may install the Software only on the applicable Customer Computer identified in the Order Schedule, provided however that in the case of a Network (Floating) License or a Named User License Customer may install the Software on Customer’s client machines within the scope of the license type acquired, as long as use of the Software is controlled by the license management program accompanying the Software and installed on the Customer Computer (license server). Customer shall be responsible for installation of the Software and all associated costs. Customer may only relocate the Customer Computer with MSC’s prior written consent. INSTALACE A AUTORIZAČNÍ KÓDY. Zákazník může nainstalovat Software pouze na příslušný Počítač zákazníka označený v Rozpisu objednávky, avšak za předpokladu, že v případě Síťové (plovoucí) licence nebo Licence pro pojmenovaného uživatele může Zákazník nainstalovat Software v klientských počítačích Zákazníka v rozsahu získaného typu licence, pokud je použití Softwaru řízeno licenčním řídicím programem doprovázejícím Software a nainstalovaným na Počítači zákazníka (licenční server). Zákazník je zodpovědný za instalaci Softwaru a za všechny související náklady. Zákazník může přemístit Počítač zákazníka pouze s předchozím písemným souhlasem společnosti MSC. THE SOFTWARE MAY REQUIRE AUTHORIZATION CODES (also known as "LICENSE KEYS") TO RUN. ANY SUCH REQUIRED AUTHORIZATION CODES WILL BE ISSUED IN ACCORDANCE WITH...
Shipping Point. (section 9) The complete shipping point (origin) address is required. If there are multiple shipping points, please list the primary ship from location. Current Shipping Point: This Vendor Agreement Summary page: (Rev 4/18) is the only version that will be accepted. Summary pages submitted from previous years will be rejected. Company Name Change: (section 1) If the Legal Name or suffix i.e. LLC, INC. of your company has changed, please email a statement on company letterhead detailing the date of the Purchase Agreement, new Legal Name, specifying Assets and Liabilities associated with the change. A new W-9 reflecting the change is required. New vendors to Bass Pro LLC.: Vendors must contact to receive your login for access to the Bass Pro Vendor Portal. A unique login for each person accessing the portal is required. New item set up information is submitted on the Vendor Portal. Note: You must be assigned a vendor number before you can be granted access to the vendor portal.
Shipping Point. FOB point for all deliveries under this Agreement are to be FOB shipping Point/Point of Origin (Norman, OK, USA). Initials: Initials: ---- ----
Shipping Point. The following products at the following prices: Approximately 200 tons of HFMS - 2P: $509.00/ton Approximately 20 tons of SS - 1H 50:50: $251.00/ton BKEP Grand Junction
Shipping Point. “Shipping Point” means the Facility or other location agreed in writing by the Parties.
Shipping Point. Unless Purchaser instructs Aspect otherwise, Aspect will select a carrier and arrange shipment and appropriate freight, packing and related charges will be added to the invoice. Aspect will use reasonable efforts to meet requested delivery dates, but will not be liable for failure to do so.