Examples of Green Bonds in a sentence
The purpose of the issue is financing of Eligible Projects as defined in and otherwise in accordance with the Issuer’s Green Bonds Framework.
The Green Bonds Principles (GBP) state that the “overall environmental profile” of a project should be assessed and that the selection process should be “well defined”.
However, as such a potential ESMA-led supervision would require legislation and therefore take time, the TEG suggests the set-up of a market-based, voluntary interim registration process for verifiers (the Scheme) of EU Green Bonds for a transition period of up to three years.Below you will find four questions in relation to the EU GBS.
The TEG has recommended that verifiers of EU Green Bonds (green bonds using the EU GBS) should be subject to an accreditation or authorisation and supervision regime.
Should any action the Commission takes on verifiers of EU Green Bonds be linked to any potential future action to regulate the market for third-party service providers on sustainability data, ratings and research?Yes NoDon’t know / no opinion / not relevant Question 23.1 If necessary, please explain your answer to question 23:2000 character(s) maximumincluding spaces and line breaks, i.e. stricter than the MS Word characters counting method.