Grid System Operator definition
Examples of Grid System Operator in a sentence
Looking at the current MESI structure shown in Figure 5, SB and the Grid System Operator (GSO) would most likely be the MO and SO respectively to undertake the initial operation of the open electricity market to be established, based on the experience they have.
All persons visiting the Complex, or the Site on behalf of the Purchaser, the Grid System Operator and the System Operator shall comply with the Seller’s and its Contractors’ generally applicable safety regulations and procedures made available to such persons and shall comply with the reasonable instructions and directions of the Seller and its Contractors, and shall not unreasonably cause any interference with or disruption to the activities of the Seller or its Contractors on the Site.
Fo‡rce Majeure Event · T–he meaning ascribed thereto in Section 15.1.G‡eneration Licence · T–he licence No. , dated 200_ issued by NEPRA permitting the generation and supply of electricity by the Seller from the Complex as contemplated by this Agreement.G‡OP · T–he Islamic Republic of Pakistan.G‡rid Code · T–he grid code prepared by the Grid System Operator and approved by NEPRA, as revised from time to time by the Grid System Operator with any necessary approval by NEPRA.
Balancing Service Adjustment Action (BSAA) – Any balancing service action taken by National Grid (System Operator) outside the Balancing Mechanism.
The Proposal that the Workgroup agreed was the only practical and pragmatic solution, would be that National Grid System Operator would only undertake a technical validation of the above items (plus the values specified in EBGL) to ensure submissions are not ‘manifestly erroneous.
On receipt of this information from the Grid System Operator, the Distributor in consultation with Users connected to the MV Distribution System shall immediately review the Emergency Load Curtailment Plan and make appropriate changes to the load-shedding scheme.
An indication of the need for a product is also that its competitors recently develop some of the product attributes, yet that development does not cover the whole concept of the new product idea.
The data is obtained from two sources; the first is from Suruhanjaya Tenaga (ST) website [3] and the second from the Grid System Operator (GSO) website [22].
This includes: NPg regarding complementary scope of innovation projects and further engagement throughout TRANSITION; National Grid System Operator have been involved in the project development and are committed to continued support in its delivery, this also includes sharing learning from the ongoing Power Potential(10) project; SPEN and WPD regarding their 2017 NIC project submissions (FUSION and Electricity Flexibility and Forecasting System respectively).
The Single Buyer and Grid System Operator are ring-fenced and TNB businesses are regulated under Incentive-Based Regulation (IBR) [5].