Handicapped child definition
Examples of Handicapped child in a sentence
The December 1 IDEA Title VI-B Handicapped child count includes those children ages 3 to 21 who are being served by LEAs, charter schools, or state-operated programs.
Single Photo Single Photo Joint Photo Service Pensiioner / Family Pensioner Joint Photo of Service Pensioner with Gratuitant / Guardian of Minor or Family Pension beneficiary / GuardianHandicapped child with Minor or Handicapped child.
A = Spouse, C = Child, D = Parent, G= Grandfathered, I = Service member married to member, K = Ward of the court, L = Parents in law, R = Own right, S = Student aged 21-22, T = Handicapped child over age of 21, W = Service member married a member, child under 21.
The street child program has provided alternative education and psychosocial counseling to children since 1992.• Handicapped child program in Gagnoa provides support for handicapped children in the district of Yopougon in Doukoure.
Handicapped child" means any child who has a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more of the major life activities of the child or who is regarded as having such an impairment by a competent medical professional.