Helpdesk Support means the 24x7x365 centre which shall handle Fault reporting, Trouble Ticketing and related enquiries during this contract.
Technical Support means the technical assistance for attempting resolution of a reported Case through error correction, patches, hot fixes, workarounds, replacement deliveries, or any other type of Product corrections or modifications.
Level 1 Support means qualifying and logging all Technical Support Incidents, answering technical inquiries via telephone support and email regarding the Work and performing limited diagnostic services.
Technical Support Services means the technical support and maintenance Services provided by us according to our then-current technical support policy and procedure listed at (“Technical Support Policy”) when the Services are purchased.
Basic life support means emergency first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation procedures to maintain life without invasive techniques.
Level 3 Support means, with the use of backup engineering and technical support staff, isolating Defects and developing Defect corrections including, without limitation, Upgrades.
SAP Support means SAP's then current support offering made available to Customer, as stated in the Order Form.
Customer Support means the services by which 21Vianet may provide assistance to Customer to resolve issues with the Services.
Support means interventions provided as a supplement to those regularly provided by the LEA, including services provided in accordance with an IEP, that are designed to meet students’ needs for behavioral, social, emotional, and other integrated student supports, in order to enable students to engage in, and benefit from, the supplemental instruction being provided.
Level 2 Support means, with the use of technical support specialists: (i) performing Defect isolation, Defect replication and interoperability testing; (ii) performing remote diagnostic services and on-site troubleshooting, if required; (iii) identifying the source of Defects; (iv) developing a reproducible test case for any Defect and documenting the details of such Defect for escalation to Level 3 Support; and (v) developing and implementing Workarounds where reasonably possible.
Advanced life support means functional provision of advanced airway management, including intubation, advanced cardiac monitoring, manual defibrillation, estab- lishment and maintenance of intravenous access, and drug therapy.
Child support means that part of a Child Restraint System by which the child can be raised within the Child Restraint System.
Local support means funds from tax sources, gifts, endowments, penal fines, or other funds received from local sources, excluding state and federal aid as stated in this act.
First Level Support means any support relating to calls from Customer’s customers, end users or affiliates or general resolution of user errors, network errors, provisioning errors or Internet delays or malfunctions.
Child support services means any civil, criminal or administrative action taken by the Division of
Tier 2 Support means the Esri Technical Support provided to the Tier 1 Help Desk when a Case cannot be resolved through Tier 1 Support.
Other Eligible Support means, with respect to a party, the items, if any, specified as such for that party in Paragraph 13.
Medical support means providing health care coverage for a joint child by carrying health care coverage for the joint child or by contributing to the cost of health care coverage, public coverage, unreimbursed medical expenses, and uninsured medical expenses of the joint child.
Pharmacy support person means a person, other than a licensed pharmacist, a registered pharmacist-intern, or a registered pharmacy technician, who may perform nontechnical duties assigned by a supervising pharmacist under the pharmacist’s responsibility and supervision.
SAP Delivered Support means SAP’s support offering to directly provide support to End Users subject to the terms and conditions set out in the EUMA.
The Supplier means the individual contractor, manufacturer distributor, or firm supplying/manufacturing the Goods and Services under this Contract and named in the SCC.
Tier 1 Support means the Technical Support provided by the Tier 1 Help Desk.
Operations Support Systems (OSS means the suite of functions which permits CLEC to interface to the ILEC for pre-ordering, ordering, provisioning, maintenance/ repair and billing as described in the Attachment 07 – Operations Support Systems (OSS) herein.
Cash medical support means an obligation to equally share all reasonable and necessary medical and dental expenses of children.
Classroom means a classroom created by a Moderator consisting of a group of class seats through which Students use the Service under moderation by a Moderator.
Crew Support Costs means all expenses of a general nature which are not particularly referable to any individual vessel for the time being managed by the Managers and which are incurred by the Managers for the purpose of providing an efficient and economic management service and, without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, shall include the cost of crew standby pay, training schemes for officers and ratings, cadet training schemes, sick pay, study pay, recruitment and interviews.