Examples of Holiday periods in a sentence
Holiday periods: Easter (April 2 - April 6), Memorial Day (May 29 - June 2), Independence Day (July 2 - 6), Labor Day (September 4 - 8), Thanksgiving (November 23 - 27), Christmas Day until New Year’s Day (December 23 - January 3).
In this section we describe the calculation of the fermion and boson (pairing field) Green’s functions inthe special large N limit described above.
Holiday periods as outline in the academic calendar are not included in the period of residence and the college may use the rooms for commercial business.
However, if your practice placement falls during Bank Holiday periods such as Good Friday, Easter Monday, May and August Bank Holidays, you should expect to be rostered for shifts on these days as normal.
Independence Day, Thanksgiving and Winter Holiday periods when the University is closed, there will be no University Dining Services location open or available for service.
In the event that you must cancel your reservation (other than during Holiday periods as stated below), please be aware that cancellations must be indicated in writing (email is sufficient) to Reservations (Xxxxxxxx@xXxxx.xxx) prior to the trip being cancelled.
Cargo loading or discharging will commence promptly upon mooring or no later than the start of the next labour shift (including Overtime and Statutory Holiday periods) provided in the applicable Collective Agreement for the labour assigned for such duties.
Holiday periods and Summer weekends may require additional hours of coverage.
EXTENDED STAY HOUSING POLICYResidence Halls will be closed during all University Break and Holiday periods.
Holiday periods do not constitute part of the term period for early termination purposes.