Food and Beverage Service. 1) Concessionaire will operate a food and beverage service offering pre-packaged and prepared food which may include, but not be limited to the preparation and sale of hot meals, non-alcoholic beverages, alcoholic beverages, snacks, ice cream, etc.
2) Locations for Food and Beverage Services will be pre-approved, in writing, by the Department.
3) Respondent will include their suggested menu items in their proposal.
4) All paper products and serving containers should contain post-consumer recycled content. Styrofoam serving containers and straws are prohibited.
5) Please consider offering alternative menu items, if viable, such as vegetarian and gluten-free options.
6) A concession agreement will not preclude Park personnel or visitors from using alternate sources of food, such as bringing their own or having events catered, should they so desire.
7) The Concessionaire will meet all applicable Health Codes and Standards for Concession Food Service (Rule 7C-4.019, Florida Administrative Code). For more information, please visit the website:
8) The Concessionaire will meet inspection standards set by the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation Routine Food Inspections, and the Fire Marshal. If there is a report of a violation, the Concessionaire will correct the violation in a timely manner and prior to the next routine inspection. For more information, please visit the website:
Food and Beverage Service. All food and beverage served must be provided by a licensed caterer. Kitchens on LHHS property are not available as catering kitchens. If food needs to be cooked onsite, renter must make mobile arrangements with caterer in order to use outside hook-ups. Food Trucks are allowed if licensing is provided. Staff will instruct where they can park at property. Alcoholic beverages may NOT be brought onto LHHS property. Liberty Hall Historic Site maintains a liquor license to purchase and serve alcohol. Only Liberty Hall Historic Site may serve alcohol on its property. Xxxxxx is responsible for making sure intoxicated persons leaving the event are provided safe and suitable transportation. Any unconsumed products must remain on the property per ABC regulations. Renter is responsible for the take down and removal of equipment immediately following the event unless special arrangements have been made with LHHS staff in advance. All trash must be removed from the site by the Renter at the end of the event. The grounds and patio must be left clean and free of any decoration, debris, or trash.
Food and Beverage Service. Licensee recognizes that food and beverage service will only be provided through authorized caterers and that Licensee will not engage in selling food and beverage products. Licensee shall not bring in food or beverage from outside and consume it except within its licensed premises itself and by Licensee and its staff.
Food and Beverage Service. Food and beverage service is available at additional cost (see accompanying menu options). • RH requests at least one meal must be purchased from the RH Grill when scheduling tournament • Note: Virginia ABC laws enforced on all alcoholic beverages served and/or consumed on the premises. NO OUTSIDE BEER, WINE OR ALCOHOL IS PERMITTED AT ROCK HARBOR EVER. [ ] AGREED MENU PACKAGE @ $ .00 Per Person (before applicable taxes & gratuities)
Food and Beverage Service. Please complete this section if this is a food function (Note: Coffee and tea is provided on site at no extra cost and will not appear in this section).
Food and Beverage Service. A. No alcoholic beverage will be allowed in the Sports Park.
B. The Sports Park Management will not allow food and beverage to be sold at the facility. All matters concerning food and beverage must be considered with the facility manager and the kitchen manager.
Food and Beverage Service. SAVOR will provide an annual report highlighting “Sustainable Practices in Food and Beverage Service” including at least the following: composting of food waste; recovery of vegetable oil in concessions and processed for alternative uses; wine cork recovery; use of compostable paper and service xxxx; use of locally sourced food and beverages; level of recycling of cardboard from food and beverage service; use of bulk containers when possible to reduce package waste; and any purchasing policies used to purchase compostable or recyclable food service containers.
Food and Beverage Service. 30.01 A food and beverage service will be maintained for the use of employees of the Company.
Food and Beverage Service. Please complete this section if this is a food function (Note: coffee and tea service is provided for all functions and, therefore, does not appear in this section. Soft drinks and snacks are available in REALTOR Store for purchase). If you would like to organize/provide your own food service, you are more than welcome to. Continental - Rolls/Danish/ Muffins/ Bagels $3.00 per person (Optional: OJ – add .50) Full Meal – egg choice, meat choice, 2 sides (Based on Final Count – Call For Quote) Cheese & Cracker Tray $3.00 per person Sweet Tray – Chef’s Choice $3.50 per person Fresh Fruit Platter (in season) $4.00 per person Assorted Sandwiches including Potato Chips and Jumbo Cookie $8.99 per person (Optional: Beverage/Water or Pop - add $1.50)
Food and Beverage Service. 1) Concessionaire will operate a food and beverage service offering pre-packaged and prepared food which may include, but not be limited to the preparation and sale of hot meals, non-alcoholic beverages, alcoholic beverages, snacks, ice cream, etc.
2) Locations for Food and Beverage Services will be pre-approved, in writing, by the Department.
3) Respondent will include their suggested menu items in their proposal.
4) All paper products and serving containers should contain post-consumer recycled content. Styrofoam serving containers and straws are prohibited.
5) Please consider offering alternative menu items, if viable, such as vegetarian and gluten-free options.
6) A concession agreement will not preclude Park personnel or visitors from using alternate sources of food, such as bringing their own or having events catered, should they so desire.
7) The Concessionaire will meet all applicable Health Codes and Standards for Concession Food Service (Rule 7C-4.019, Florida Administrative Code). For more information, please visit the website: