Hospitality Facility definition

Hospitality Facility means any location or facility at the site of a Stadium to which Customers and Guests are admitted, by virtue of the rights afforded by a Hospitality Package, to enjoy the provision of official FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™ hospitality services and benefits.
Hospitality Facility means any location or facility either offsite or at the site of the Venue to which Customers and Guests are admitted, by virtue of the rights afforded by a Hospitality Package, to enjoy the provision of official Event hospitality services and benefits.
Hospitality Facility means (i) either the so called “The Mezzanine”, situated on the first floor of the Orangerie located nearby the Stadium, being a collective compartment used for the Event and accommodating up to 120 people; or (ii) such other collective compartments or other hospitality facilities at, or nearby, the Venue as described on the Webshop, to enjoy the provision of the hospitality services and benefits.

Examples of Hospitality Facility in a sentence

  • One would allow individuals to invest 5 percentage points of the NCPA Social Security CalculatorThe National Center for Policy Analysis maintains an online Social Security calculator at

  • If this Agreement terminates for any reason, the Client shall cease to be entitled to use the Hospitality Facility, all rights, permissions and licences granted to the Client and all obligations of the Club shall immediately terminate, and the Club shall be free to allow other persons to use the Hospitality Facility.

  • Nothing in this Agreement shall or is intended to grant a lease of or create any other right or interest in the Hospitality Facility or the whole or any part of the Ground, or give the Client any exclusive possession or use of the Hospitality Facility, or grant the Client or any other person any right to occupy the Hospitality Facility or the Ground, and all rights, licences and permissions granted under this Agreement are contractual only and personal to the Client.

  • All furniture, furnishings, fixtures, equipment and other property in the Hospitality Facility or the Ground is and shall remain the absolute property of the Club.

  • The Client shall ensure that its Guests at all times take reasonable care of the Hospitality Facility and all property of the Club, use the Hospitality Facility in a proper and lawful manner and without causing any nuisance or inconvenience to the Club or any person on the Ground, and otherwise behave in a reasonable, sensible and lawful manner, not be abusive or threatening to any person, and conduct himself in a way which is not a threat to safety.

More Definitions of Hospitality Facility

Hospitality Facility means a hotel.
Hospitality Facility means any type location at, or nearby, the Venue as determined by the Organiser for the provision of certain Hospitality Services comprised in a Hospitality Package, including Skyboxes, collective compartments or other hospitality facilities, and to which access is granted to holders of a Hospitality Access Pass.
Hospitality Facility means any location or facility at the site of a Stadium to which Customers and Guests are admitted, by virtue of the rights afforded by a Hospitality Package, to enjoy the provision of official CONMEBOL Copa América USA 2024™ hospitality services and benefits.
Hospitality Facility means a functionally connected, specially developed and equipped space, which complies with the prescribed minimum technical conditions for providing hospitality services, or for performing hospitality activities;
Hospitality Facility means any Facility including but not limited to guesthouse, lodge, campsite, motel and hotel;
Hospitality Facility means any location or facility at the site of a Stadium to which Customers and Guests are admitted, by virtue of the rights afforded by a Hospitality Package, to enjoy the provision of official FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™ hospitality services and benefits. «Объект Программы гостеприимства» означает какую-либо площадку или объект на территории Стадиона, на которые у Клиента и Гостя есть доступ на основании прав, предоставляемых в рамках Пакета гостеприимства, для получения услуг и привилегий официальной Программы гостеприимства Чемпионата мира по футболу FIFA в Катаре 2022™. “Hospitality Package” means any official hospitality package created by MATCH Hospitality comprising a Ticket and certain Match-day hospitality benefits and services to be provided at any Hospitality Facility in connection with the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™. Hospitality Packages do not include services or benefits provided other than at a Hospitality Facility, such as (without limitation) ground transportation, air travel or overnight accommodation services. «Пакет гостеприимства» означает официальный пакет гостеприимства, созданный МАТЧ Хоспиталити, который включает в себя Билет и определенные предоставляемые в день Матча на Объекте Программы гостеприимства услуги и преимущества в связи с Чемпионатом мира по футболу FIFA 2022 в Катаре™. Пакеты гостеприимства не включают услуги и преимущества за рамками Пакета гостеприимства, такие как (без ограничений) наземный транспорт, перелет воздушным транспортом или услуги размещения для проживания. “Match” means any football match comprising one of the sixty-four (64) matches scheduled to comprise the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™ football tournament. «Матч» означает какой -либо футбольный матч, который является одним из 64 (шестидесяти четырех) матчей Чемпионата мира по футболу FIFA в Катаре 2022™. “MH Affiliated Company” means, in relation to MATCH Hospitality, any entity that directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with MATCH Hospitality. «Аффилированная с МАТЧ Хоспиталити компания» означает в отношении МАТЧ Хоспиталити любую организацию, которая прямо или косвенно осуществляет контроль над МАТЧ Хоспиталити, контролируется МАТЧ Хоспиталити или находится с МАТЧ Хоспиталити под общим управлением. “MATCH Hospitality” means MATCH Hospitality WLL incorporated and registered in Doha, Qatar with company number 150991 and whose trading office is at Tornado Tower Building No. 17, 24th Floor, Street 810-Majlis Al Taaw...
Hospitality Facility means the room located at the Ground to be used by the Client in relation to the Specified Event as identified in the Contract Details;