Housing quality standards definition

Housing quality standards means the HUD minimum quality standards for housing assisted under the HUD tenant-based rental assistance programs as defined in 24 C.F.R. §982.401.
Housing quality standards means the minimum standards for new single-family homes and multifamily housing constructed under HUD Housing programs, as promulgated by HUD and outlined in 24 C.F.R. § 982.401.
Housing quality standards. (HQS) shall mean the minimum dwelling u n i t standards required to protect the health and safety of tenants.

Examples of Housing quality standards in a sentence

  • The HEARTH Act CoC Program Interim Rule states that the recipient or subrecipient must document its compliance with housing quality standards requirements under § 578.75(b), which is as follows: (b) Housing quality standards.

  • Housing quality standards are enforced through the local building code and inspections procedures.

  • Housing quality standards for the housing choice voucher program apply to congregate housing.

  • In § 983.101, paragraph (b) is revised to read as follows:§ 983.101 Housing quality standards.* * * * *(b) HQS for special housing types.

  • Housing quality standards for the housing choice voucher program apply to group homes and must have at least one bathroom with toilet, fixed basin with hot and cold running water and a shower or bathtub with hot and cold running water.

More Definitions of Housing quality standards

Housing quality standards means the HUD minimum quality standards for housing assisted under the tenant-based programs.
Housing quality standards or “HQS” means minimum quality standards of habitability established by HUD for properties that are part of a tenant-based rental assistance program.
Housing quality standards. (HQS) means the HUD minimum quality standards for housing assisted under the tenant-based programs, as enhanced by OHFA.
Housing quality standards. The Landlord shall maintain the Unit in common areas, equipment facilities and appliances in decent, safe, and sanitary condition (in accordance with 24 CFR 578.75(b) Housing Quality Standards).
Housing quality standards. The three HOPWA unit shall comply with the habitability standards set out in 24 CFR 574.310(b) (1997) or in any superseding regulations. Rents
Housing quality standards means, at a minimum, standards specified at 24 CFR 882.109 and the cost-effective energy and conservation and effectiveness standards in 24 CFR Part 39. HUD means the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Housing quality standards or “HQS” means the HUD minimum quality standards for housing assisted under the tenant based programs set forth in 24 [CFR Part] C.F.R. Sections 982.401-.406.