Examples of HSW Act in a sentence
The HSW Act also puts a responsibility upon employees to take care of their own health and safety, within the limitations of the training, instructions and equipment provided for them.
As the level of proportionality increases, a decision has to be made as to whether further risk reduction measures are reasonably practicable as required by the HSW Act.
In so holding, the Supreme Court directly distinguished cases regarding “lands allocated to individual Indians,” concluding allegations of possession or ownership under a United States patent are “normally insufficient” for federal jurisdiction.
Watersheds that proceed with making management decisions with little or outdated Trout Unlimited: America’s Leading Coldwater Fisheries Conservation Organizationwww.tu.orgJune 11, 2020 Page 2 information on instream needs are susceptible to over-allocation to out-of-stream uses, which often leads to inadequate instream flows for fish.
Places of work are covered by the HSW Act WorkSafe is responsible for enforcing the HSW Act.