Examples of Implementing Partners in a sentence
The Administrative Assistant is the primary contact person responsible for Office customer service to internal and external partners and other stakeholders, including Mission staff, contractors and grantees and potential contractors and grantees, Implementing Partners (IPs), host-government officials, the Embassy, USAID/Washington, and other customers.
The TE team is expected to follow a participatory and consultative approach ensuring close engagement with the Project Team, government counterparts (the GEF Operational Focal Point), Implementing Partners, the UNDP Country Office(s), the Regional Technical Advisor, direct beneficiaries and other stakeholders.
All non-UN Implementing Partners are audited annually by an independent audit firm.
The main objective of these groups is to maintain regular chicken vaccination, assist with supply of feed and other poultry services, simple disease treatments and marketing of meat/birds.The NHLP poultry sub project will be implemented through Implementing Partners.
Local Implementing Partners (IPs) play an essential role in developing the CSO SI and need a combination of research, convening, and advocacy skills for carrying out a high quality CSOSI.