Indexed definition

Indexed means that the amount to be indexed is to be multiplied on each anniversary of the Effective Date by a fraction the numerator of which is the CPI on said anniversary of the Effective Date and the denominator of which is the CPI on the Effective Date.
Indexed means the periodic adjustment of an Option Price based upon adjustment criteria determined by the Committee, but in no event shall the Option Price be adjusted to an amount less than the original Option Price.
Indexed means, in respect of any reference to an amount, that amount (as previously indexed) as such amount may be adjusted up or down at the beginning of each calendar year by a percentage equal to the amount of percentage increase or, as the case may be, decrease in the relevant index for such year.

Examples of Indexed in a sentence

  • Indexation Mechanism of Cost plus mine: [To be filled up by concerned coal company] ▪ The Modulated Price, applicable for supply, shall be calculated based on Indexed Price of Cost Plus Mine applicable for NRS Linkage auction consumers.

More Definitions of Indexed

Indexed means, in relation to an amount, such amount multiplied by: 𝑅𝑃𝐼𝑡 𝑅𝑃𝐼𝘣𝑎𝑠𝑒 (or if less than one, one), calculated on each anniversary of Licence Award, where: 𝑅𝑃𝐼𝑡 is the value of RPI most recently published in the equivalent month to the Indexation Base Month for the relevant year; and 𝑅𝑃𝐼𝑏𝑎𝑠𝑒 is the value of RPI published in the Indexation Base Month;
Indexed means, in relation to an amount stipulated in this Agreement, that the amount shall be adjusted on 1 April in each calendar year starting 12 months following the base date of 1 April 2013 using the following formula: Pn = Pb * (In/Ib) where: Pn = the relevant amount in year n; Pb = the relevant amount stipulated in this Agreement; In = Consumer Price Index as published in year n in respect of the month of December of year n-1; Ib = 100, being the Consumer Price Index (Dec 2012 = 100) as published in respect of the month of December 2012, as rebased by Statistics South Africa (or its equivalent successor entity) from time to time; and where: Consumer Price Index means the weighted average consumer price index (Dec 2012 = 100) as published by Statistics South Africa (or its equivalent successor entity), which is referred to as "Headline CPI – All urban areas" in Statistical Release P0141 from time to time (or equivalent successor index);
Indexed means, in respect of a threshold amount referenced in clause 19.1(E), clause 20.1, clause 22.1(A) and clause 22.1(B), that each such amount so referenced is the amount as at the Legal Effective Date, with each such referenced amount to be increased annually on 31 December in line with the UK Retail Price Index (or, where the UK Retail Price Index is no longer maintained, such alternative index that the Fairness Committee concludes provides as close a match as possible across a suitable range of scenarios);
Indexed or “Index Linking” means adjusted from the date of this Agreement in accordance with the BCIS All-In Tender Price Index by multiplying in each case the payment due by a fraction whose denominator shall be the last All-In Tender Price Index monthly figure published before the date of this Agreement and whose numerator shall be the last published BCIS All-In Tender Price Index monthly figure available before the date on which payment is due but which for the avoidance of doubt shall not fall below the original payment figure;
Indexed means that wherever the word ‘Indexed’ appears in reference to an amount of money, then this means that the amount of money referred to must be increased by two percent (2.0%) annually.
Indexed means, in relation to any sum, that sum adjusted annually to take account of year-on-year changes in the CPI since 30 June 2012.
Indexed and “Index Benefit”, whether plural or singular, and all references to payments related thereto as set forth in the Agreement and Schedules thereto, are hereby deleted.