Indicator set definition
Examples of Indicator set in a sentence
Key LAA (SCS) indicators that SP is key to the delivery of are: SP KPI2 (NI141 in National Indicator set) - Supporting People to achieve independent living.
When an Energy Invoice is submitted with the Correction Indicator set and with a Lookup Invoice Number, WAWF will attempt to locate the original Energy Invoice using the CAGE Code, Contract Number, Delivery Order Number, Pay DoDAAC, and Lookup Invoice Number.
A summary draft of the updated Community Strategy 2008-2011 was included and presented to Members for consideration, along with an emerging list of indicators taken from the National Outcome and Indicator set that could form the basis of our second Local Area Agreement 2008- 2011.
Under this scenario, the COB&R systems contractor will build a HUDP transaction with the Claims Processing Indicator set to “S.” Initiation of the Automated DPP Process Following the creation of the HUDP file containing various DPP records for multiple beneficiaries and case types, the COB&R systems contractor shall transmit the file to the Common Working File (CWF).
Training delivered under the JobTrainer initiative must be reported with the Eligibility Exemption Indicator set to ‘Y’ where the Training Provider has granted an eligibility exemption under this Clause 16.