Investment advisory committee definition

Investment advisory committee means the committee created within the department under section 91 of the executive organization act of 1965, 1965 PA 380, MCL 16.191.
Investment advisory committee means the committee established under section 66;
Investment advisory committee means a group of qualified private and public sector employees selected by the Employer that will be responsible for establishing and maintaining broad policies and objectives for all aspects of the Trust investments. The committee will review and approve the development or revision of all matters concerning Trust investments. Investment matters addressed by the Investment Advisory Committee shall be communicated to the Employer, and the Employer shall communicate in writing to the Trustee any such investment matters necessary for the Trustee to fulfill its duties hereunder.

Examples of Investment advisory committee in a sentence

  • The Foundation shall manage the investment and earnings of the Fund under the direction of the JRF Investment Advisory Committee and the Board of Trustees (hereinafter referred to as the “Board”).

  • The Employer and the Investment Advisory Committee, if any, shall have responsibility to select Qualified Investments for the Trust Assets.

  • The Employer and the Investment Advisory Committee, if any, may appoint a Registered Investment Advisor to the Trust by executing a written consulting or management agreement with said Registered Investment Advisor.

  • Selection will depend upon factors established by the Investment Advisory Committee.

  • Monthly interim performance reports shall be reviewed by the Investment Advisory Committee, which shall meet quarterly to determine the efficacy of investments.

More Definitions of Investment advisory committee

Investment advisory committee means the investment advisory committee established pursuant to Section 91 of the Executive Organization Act of 1965, 1965 PA 380, MCL 16.191, as abolished by this Order.
Investment advisory committee means the committee created within the department under section 91
Investment advisory committee means a committee formed for this Policy and comprised of not more than three (3) persons each of whom possesses:
Investment advisory committee means the committee established undersection 66;
Investment advisory committee means a committee consisting of a chairperson, plus at least two additional voting members appointed by the chairperson. Except to the extent determined otherwise by the State Board, the Deputy Executive Director of Human Resources for the State Board shall serve as the chairperson of the Investment Advisory Committee. Effective on and after January 1, 2006, the Investment Advisory Committee shall have the authority and responsibility to monitor the performance of any of the Contracts or other investment fund options of the Plan Fund and of any Investment Manager, and to provide advice to the State Board and Plan Administrator on the selection, retention, elimination or replacement at any time any and all of the Contracts and other investment fund options available for Participant investment direction under this Plan, and/or advice on the appointment, discharge or replacement of any Investment Manager.
Investment advisory committee means a Committee established to regularly review and provide advice and oversight regarding investment of funds in accordance with the investment policies to ensure investments are optimally managed. The IAC will consider, and endorse where appropriate, the adoption of the investment policies and reports recommended by the CFO.
Investment advisory committee means a committee consisting of a chairperson, plus at least two additional voting members appointed by the chairperson. Except to the extent determined otherwise by the State Board, the Deputy Executive Director of Business Operations for the State Board shall serve as the chairperson of the Investment Advisory Committee. Effective on and after January 1, 2006, the Investment Advisory Committee