Issuer Profit Account definition
Examples of Issuer Profit Account in a sentence
The Notes will also be secured by an assignment by way of security of various of the Issuer’s other rights, including its rights under certain of the agreements described herein but excluding its rights in respect of amounts standing to the credit of the Issuer Profit Account and its rights under the Issuer Corporate Services Agreement (the “Irish Excluded Assets”).
The Cash Manager shall ensure that it will credit the Issuer Profit Account with any amounts retained by the Issuer as profit in accordance with the relevant Priorities of Payments and debit any amounts paid out as tax payments or dividends.
The Notes will also be secured by an assignment by way of security of various of the Issuer’s other rights, including its rights under certain of the agreements described herein but excluding its rights in respect of the Issuer Profit Account and the Corporate Services Agreement (the “Irish Excluded Assets”).
Usually, some modifying adjectives are added to fulfill the description of target language, which is of great significance to readability and literariness of children.
The Cash Manager shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that it receives a bank statement from the Account Bank in relation to each of the Transaction Account and the Issuer Profit Account (as provided for in the Account Bank Agreement) and that it furnishes a copy of such statements to the Issuer and the Trustee upon request.