Examples of Linked Data in a sentence
T., Bizer, C.: Linked Data: Evolving the Web into a Global Data Space.
Bizer, C., Heath, T., Berners-Lee, T.: Linked Data - The Story So Far.
Named Entity Recognition and Entity Linking have gained significant momentum with the growth of Linked Data and structured knowledge bases.
Z., Finin, T.: Creating and Exploiting a Hybrid Knowledge Base for Linked Data.
Two main tasks were evaluated (Related Entity Finding task and Entity List Completion task), whose aim was to find related entities of a given entity regarding a given relation.—The SemSearch Challenge (2010–2011): This challenge aimed at evaluating semantic search systems for entity search on a collection which is a sample of Linked Data (RDF triples) crawled from publicly available sources [Semantic 2010, 2011; Halpin et al.
We defend that the graph nature of Linked Data on the Web and the large variety of types of links that compose them call for typed graphs models.
The following points were recorded: • As reported above, an additional risk will be added in respect of the grade assessment process: ACTION: William Baldwin• There are more risks at higher value than normal owing to the pandemic.• Reference was made to the risk of strike action which this week had now reduced as Staff and Students had returned on site.
Linked Data on the other hand was purposely proposed to cover the publication, discovery, and interpretation of both schemas and content in a machine understandable form over the Web.
Linked USDL goes one step forward in the adoption of Web technologies to embrace the emerging standard approach for data sharing online, namely Linked Data [13].
In future work we plan to demon- strate how the Open Digital Rights Language can be used to specify Solid usage policies and to support ne- gotiation between data producers and consumers and enhancing the Linked Data platform protocols with policy exchange and negotiation mechanisms.