Examples of Load research in a sentence
Load research data is used to estimate the average top 50 hourly peaks during both the summer and winter.
A) Load research developed by the individual utility.(B) Load research developed in conjunction with another utility.(C) Load research developed by another utility and modified to meet the characteristics of that utility.
Representative Interval Data RecorderThe technique for profiling premises participating in special pricing programs which consists of implementing a statistically representative Load research sample on the program population.The sample data is then used to develop the representative IDR (RIDR) for profiling these premises.
Load research data gathered and submitted in accordance with this rule will also be used by the Commission to allocate costs to the customer classes in cost recovery clause proceedings, in evaluating proposed and operating conservation programs, for research, and for other purposes consistent with the Commission’s responsibilities.
When additional Load Profiles are established, ERCOT shall evaluate the impact on existing Load Profiles and associated Load research samples.
Load research data used to estimate non-coincident peaks are based on the five year average of 2002/03 to 2005/06 and 2007/08 data.
In conjunction with this request, ERCOT staff shall specify the requirements for additional Load research sampling and shall define specific and objective criteria to be met by the analysis of this Load research data to meet the requirements for final approval.
Load research data used to estimate non-coincident peaks are based on the six year average of 2002/03 to 2005/06 and 2007/08 to 2008/09 data.
Load research currently studies a sample of the universe of data to inform load forecasting of load shapes by customer class.
Evaluation of Load research program is pending due to delay in program implementation.