Examples of Loss of income in a sentence
As far as legally possible, we exclude legal responsibility for the following: Any loss to you arising from use of our site Loss of income, profit, business, data, contracts, goodwill or savings.
Business Interruption Loss of income and additional cost of working due to damage caused by terrorism.
Loss of income from crops during the first twelve months following the con- version of productive cropland to per- manent vegetative cover or trees may be considered a part of the BMP cost for a project where it is determined that harvesting or grazing restrictions are necessary in order to establish properly the practice and the reim- bursement for loss of income is nec- essary to provide incentives to achieve an adequate level of participation as defined in 7 CFR 700.4(a).
Loss of income as a result of COVID-19 may inhibit City residents and businesses from fulfilling their financial obligations, including payment of rent.
Loss of income from work the victim or claimant would have performed if the victim had not been injured or died, reduced by any income from substitute work actually performed by the victim or claimant or by income the victim or claimant would have earned in available appropriate substitute work which he or she was capable of performing but unreasonably failed to undertake.