LPDES definition
Examples of LPDES in a sentence
In accordance with the provisions of LAC 33:IX.2701, et seq., this permit incorporates either expressly or by reference ALL conditions and requirements applicable to the Louisiana Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permits (LPDES) set forth in the Louisiana Environmental Quality Act (LEQA), as amended, as well as ALL applicable regulations.
Discharges from facilities permitted under LPDES general permits typically consist of low volume flows, and discharges that are intermittent in nature.
EPA Form 3320-1 is the DMR form that must be used by permittees in the state of Louisiana (LPDES permittees) to report self-monitoring results if a waiver from the electronic DMR reporting system has been granted.
For example, if the project results in a new discharge of wastewater to an existing wastewater treatment system, that wastewater treatment system may need to modify its LPDES permit before accepting the additional wastewater.
For purposes of the LPDES, this includes all surface waters that are subject to the ebb and flow of the tide, lakes, rivers, streams (including intermittent streams), mudflats, sandflats, wetlands, sloughs, prairie potholes, wet meadows, playa lakes, natural ponds, impoundments of waters within the state of Louisiana otherwise defined as Waters of the United States in 40 CFR 122.2, and tributaries of all such waters.
If a specific LPDES permit applicable to this construction has been received from the LDEQ in response to the NOI, a copy of the permit, as well as a copy of the Government’s NOI will be provided to the Contractor at the Pre-Construction Conference.
A list of endangered and threatened species that EPA has determined may be affected by the activities covered by the Construction General Permit is available under OTHER LPDES DOCUMENTS in http://www.deq.louisiana.gov/portal/Default.aspx?tabid=243.
LDEQ will provide a LPDES permit to the Contractor in response to the NOI submitted.
EPA Form 3320-1 is the DMR form that must be used by permittees in the state of Louisiana (LPDES permittees) to report self-monitoring results.
But often in proposing a course of action to an audience we face the question of persuading them that it is possible (and conversely we can argue that although a certain action is desirable, it is impossible).