Examples of MARPOL Annex I in a sentence
If transported in bulk by marine vessel in international waters, product is being carried under the scope of MARPOL Annex I.
In doing this, the PSCO should be guided by the principle that the requirements contained in MARPOL Annex I, in respect of construction and equipment and the operation of ships, are essential for the protection of the marine environment and that departure from these requirements could constitute an unreasonable threat of harm to the marine environment.
The IOPP renewal survey refers to the renewal survey associated with the IOPP Certificate required under MARPOL Annex I.
The remaining cargo tanks shall be washed on a rotational basis for sludge control.3.2 Port State authorities may carry out inspections to ensure that crude oil washing is performed by all crude carriers either required to have a COW system or where the owner or operator chooses to install a COW system in order to comply with regulation 18 of MARPOL Annex I.
MARPOL Annex I – OilQuantity (m3) MARPOL Annex V – GarbageQuantity (m3)Oily bilge water A.
Although the tank VRP regulations do not require a checklist produced under the ISM Code, the Coast Guard aligned this regulation with Regulation 37 of MARPOL Annex I, which requires checklists or other means that will ensure the master considers all appropriate factors when addressing specific casualties.
Resolution MEPC.86(44) amended the Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan requirements reflected in Annex I of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978, as amended (MARPOL Annex I).
Under the provisions of regulation I/6 of SOLAS 1974, article 13 of LL 66, regulation 6 of MARPOL Annex I and regulation 8 of MARPOL Annex II and article 6 of TONNAGE 69, a flag State may authorize an RO to act on its behalf in statutory certification and services and determination of tonnages only to ships entitled to fly its flag as required by these conventions.
In this respect reference is made to annex 3 to the Survey Guidelines under the Harmonized System of Survey and Certification (HSSC), 2021 (resolution A.1156(32)), as may be amended.1.9 The PSCO should bear in mind that a ship may be equipped over and above the requirements of MARPOL Annex I.
Until such date these ships shall comply with the discharge requirements of MARPOL Annex I regulation 15.3. 1.1.4 Operation in polar waters shall be taken into account, as appropriate, in the Oil Record Books, manuals and the shipboard oil pollution emergency plan or the shipboard marine pollution emergency plan as required by MARPOL Annex I.