Medical Appointment definition

Medical Appointment means an appointment with a legally licensed chiropractor, osteopath, chiropodist, podiatrist, naturopath or optometrist. When requested, the employee must provide a signed medical certificate (with the cost, if any, paid by the Corporation) confirming the employee’s attendance at the appointment. Employees are asked to try to schedule all such appointments outside working hours when possible. Approval to attend a medical appointment is subject to operational requirements and the need to ensure that sufficient personnel are available to provide the required level of service.
Medical Appointment means appointment of the Specialist to the Senior Medical Staff of the Health Service with clinical credentials applicable to the medical services to be provided by the Specialist pursuant to this Agreement and shall be for a fixed term of not less than one (1) year and not more than five (5) years;
Medical Appointment means an Employee’s personal health-related appointment with a medical practitioner.

Examples of Medical Appointment in a sentence

  • Barriers Impacting Telehealth Medical Appointment Adherence Among People Living with HIV/AIDS.

  • Barriers Impacting Telehealth Medical Appointment Adherence Among PLWHA.

  • The provision of VRI for any On-site Medical Appointment shall meet the requirements set forth in 28 C.F.R. § 35.160(d)(1)-(4).Either directly or through its Contract Medical Provider, DOC will provide VRI for use in unscheduled on-site medical emergencies where the exigencies of the situation permit.

  • The employee must apply for leave and submit a copy of the Medical Appointment and itinerary in advance of leave being granted.

  • If the Practitioner's Medical Appointment to provide services at Western Health is for a shorter period than the Period specified in clause 2 or as renewed pursuant to clause 13 of this Agreement, then the Practitioner's employment ends on the last day for which the Practitioner is appointed to provide services at Western Health, unless the Appointment period is extended by the appropriate due process of Western Health.

  • Other formsForms related to your careEnduring Power of Attorney (Medical), Appointment of a Medical Treatment Decision Maker, Appointment of a Support Person, Refusal of Treatment Certificate, Advance Care Directive (if relevant/ required).

  • Medical Appointment /Checkouts Medical appointments should be scheduled so that they do not interfere with class time.

  • In an effort to reduce the number of such occurrences, we have implemented a Medical Appointment Cancellation Policy and it is effective immediately.

  • The child must always sign in on arrival.• to inform the office in writing or to provide Medical Appointment Cards/subscriptions if the child needs to attend a medical appointment in school time.

  • In May 2010, the Government Accountability Office reported that VA spent an estimated $127 million over nine years on its outpatient scheduling system project and found that it did not implement any of the planned system’s capabilities and was essentially starting over.2Development of VSEIn 2011, after analyzing alternatives, VA decided to pursue another COTS solution that led to the development of the Medical Appointment Scheduling System (MASS).

More Definitions of Medical Appointment

Medical Appointment means appointment of the Specialist to the Senior Medical Staff of Western Health with clinical credentials applicable to the medical services to be provided by the Specialist pursuant to this Agreement in respect of all campuses at Western Health and shall be for a fixed term of not less than one (1) year and not more than five (5) years.
Medical Appointment. Limited duty assignments shall not conflict with an employee's ability

Related to Medical Appointment

  • Initial appointment means appointment made otherwise than by promotion or transfer;

  • Provisional appointment means the employment of a person to a vacant position for no more than a six-month period for emergency or in interim conditions. The General Manager may extend a provisional appointment for up to an additional six-month period.

  • Probationary appointment means employment for a designated period of time during which the probationer is evaluated as a candidate to be awarded tenure. In the event an academic employee is employed full-time as a temporary academic employee and the next year with a probationary appointment as an academic employee, the consecutive College quarters in which the individual was so employed full-time shall be credited towards tenure consideration.

  • Serviced Appointment has the meaning set forth in Section 1.1.

  • Restricted Appointment means (a) any Appointment for which the applicable Authorizations have not been obtained, and (b) any Appointment for which the maturity date of the applicable Corporate Trust Contract is on or before June 30, 2022.

  • Appointment means the appointment of any Seller to act in a Corporate Trust Capacity under any of the Corporate Trust Contracts of the Business.

  • Letter of Appointment means the written communication by SAICA to the Contractor recording the acceptance by SAICA of Contractor’s bid subject to the further terms and conditions to be itemized in the contract;

  • Succeeded Appointment means any Appointment for which a Succession Time has occurred.

  • Temporary appointment means an employee hired into a position of limited duration or for completion of a specific task or project without following the rules regarding recruitment and selection. Temporary employees serve at the pleasure of the appointing authority and may be removed at any time without cause, notice or any right of appeal. Temporary employees are not eligible for benefits other than those required by state or federal law.

  • Medical examiner means a physician with training in aviation medicine and practical knowledge and experience of the aviation environment, who is designated by the Authority to conduct medical examinations of fitness of applicants for licences or ratings for which medical requirements are prescribed;

  • Power of appointment means a power that enables a powerholder acting in a nonfiduciary capacity to designate a recipient of an ownership interest in or another power of appointment over the appointive property. The term does not include a power of attorney.

  • Appointment Date shall have the meaning specified in Section 9.02(a).

  • Excluded Appointments means those Appointments designated from time to time as "Excluded Appointments" by agreement of the parties.

  • General power of appointment means a power of appointment exercisable in favor of the powerholder, the powerholder's estate, a creditor of the powerholder, or a creditor of the powerholder's estate.

  • Medical cannabis means the same as that term is defined in Section 26-61a-102.

  • Medical examination means the preliminary assessment of a person by an authorized health worker or by a person under the direct supervision of the competent authority, to determine the person’s health status and potential public health risk to others, and may include the scrutiny of health documents, and a physical examination when justified by the circumstances of the individual case;

  • Medical service means any medical treatment or any medical, surgical, diagnostic, chiropractic, dental, hospital, nursing, ambulance, and other related services, and drugs, medicine, crutches and prosthetic appliances, braces and supports, and, where necessary, physical restorative services.

  • Cosmetologist means any person who administers cosmetic treatments; manicures or pedicures the nails of any person; arranges, dresses, curls, waves, cuts, shapes, singes, waxes, tweezes, shaves, bleaches, colors, relaxes, straightens, or performs similar work, upon human hair, or a wig or hairpiece, by any means, including hands or mechanical or electrical apparatus or appliances unless such acts as adjusting, combing, or brushing prestyled wigs or hairpieces do not alter the prestyled nature of the wig or hairpiece, and practices cosmetology for compensation. The term "cosmetologist" shall not include hair braiding upon human hair, or a wig or hairpiece.

  • Medical care means amounts paid for:

  • Medical physicist means a person trained in evaluating the performance of mammography equipment and facility quality assurance programs and who meets the qualifications for a medical physicist set forth in 41.6(3)“c.”

  • Medical cannabis pharmacy means the same as that term is defined in Section 26-61a-102.

  • Supervising physician means any physician licensed under Iowa Code chapter 148, 150, or 150A. The supervising physician is responsible for medical direction of emergency medical care personnel when such personnel are providing emergency medical care.

  • DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES means therapies, typically provided by a qualified professional using a treatment plan, that are intended to lessen deficiencies in normal age appropriate function. The therapies generally are meant to limit deficiencies related to injury or disease that have been present since birth. This is true even if the deficiency was detected during a later developmental stage. The deficiency may be the result of injury or disease during the developmental period. Developmental services are applied for sustained periods of time to promote acceleration in developmentally related functional capacity. This plan covers developmental services unless specifically listed as not covered.

  • Medical control means a person who provides medical supervision to an emergency medical service provider.

  • Therapeutic care means services provided by licensed or certified speech pathologists, Occupational Therapists and Physical Therapists.

  • MEDICAL STAFF LEADER means any Medical Staff Officer, department chair, section chief, and committee chair.