Medically-vulnerable person definition

Medically-vulnerable person means the person in custody is over the age of 50 or experiences (a) lung disease, including asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (e.g., bronchitis or emphysema), or other chronic conditions associated with impaired lung function; (b) heart disease, such as congenital heart disease, congestive heart failure, and coronary artery disease; (c) chronic liver or kidney disease (including hepatitis and dialysis patients); (d) diabetes or other endocrine disorders; (e) hypertension; (f) compromised immune systems (such as from cancer, HIV, receipt of an organ or bone marrow transplant, as a side effect of medication, or other autoimmune disease); (g) blood disorders (including sickle cell disease); (h) inherited metabolic disorders; (i) history of stroke; and/or (j) a current or recent (within the last two weeks) pregnancy.

Related to Medically-vulnerable person

  • Vulnerable Person means any person who by reason of age, infirmity, illness, disability or any other circumstance is in need of care or attention, and includes any person under the age of eighteen; and

  • Vulnerable adult means any person 18 years of age or older who: (1) is a resident or inpatient of a facility; (2) receives services required to be licensed under Minnesota Statutes chapter 245A, except as excluded under Minnesota Statutes section 626.5572, Subd. 21(a)(2); (3) receives services from a licensed home care provider or person or organization that offers, provides, or arranges for personal care assistance services under the medical assistance program; or (4) regardless of residence or whether any type of service is received, possesses a physical or mental infirmity or other physical, mental, or emotional dysfunction that impairs the individual’s ability to provide adequately for the individual’s own care without assistance or supervision and, because of the dysfunction or infirmity and need for care or services, has an impaired ability to protect the individual’s self from maltreatment.

  • Medically fragile means the condition of a child who requires the availability of twenty-four-hour skilled care from a health care professional or specially trained staff or volunteers in a group care setting. These conditions may be present all the time or frequently occurring. If the technology, support and services being received by the medically fragile children are interrupted or denied, the child may, without immediate health care intervention, experience death.

  • Medically Necessary Services means those covered services that are, under the terms and conditions of the contract, determined through contractor utilization management to be:

  • Medically incapacitated means a person who is incapacitated as a result of prescribed sedatives, anesthesia, or other medication.

  • Biologically-based mental illness means schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, paranoia and other psychotic disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and panic disorder, as these terms are defined in the most recent edition of the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders published by the American Psychiatric Association.

  • Developmentally disabled person means a person who has a disability defined in RCW 71A.10.020. RCW 26.44.020

  • Vulnerable means a condition in which an adult is unable to protect himself or herself from abuse, neglect, or exploitation because of a mental or physical impairment or because of advanced age.

  • Medically stationary means that no further material improvement would reasonably be expected from medical treatment or the passage of time.

  • Medically Necessary means a service which is appropriate and consistent with the treatment of the condition in accordance with accepted standards of community practice.

  • Dependent care assistance program or "DCAP" means a benefit plan whereby school employees may pay for certain employment related dependent care with pretax dollars as provided in the salary reduction plan under chapter 41.05 RCW pursuant to 26 U.S.C. Sec. 129 or other sections of the Internal Revenue Code.

  • Medical personnel means those persons assigned, by a Party to the conflict, exclusively to the medical purposes enumerated under sub-paragraph (e) or to the administration of medical units or to the operation or administration of medical transports. Such assignments may be either permanent or temporary. The term includes:

  • Baseline Personnel Security Standard means the pre-employment controls for all civil servants, members of the Armed Forces, temporary staff and government contractors generally.

  • Family caregiver means a relative by blood, marriage, or Adoption who lives with or is the primary Caregiver of the terminally ill Member.

  • Handicapped person means any person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, has a record of such an impairment, or is regarded as having such an impairment.

  • Supportive personnel means unlicensed individuals who:

  • Covered Personnel means any Person who is or was an employee, consultant or independent contractor of the Covered Parties as of the date of the relevant act prohibited by this Section 2(a) or during the one (1) year period preceding such date.

  • Elderly person means any person 65 years of age or older who is not subject to the provisions of ORS 441.640 to 441.665.

  • Skilled Journeyperson means a worker who either:

  • Sexually motivated ’ means that one of the purposes for which the defendant committed the crime was for the purpose of the defendant’s sexual gratification.

  • Medically necessary care means care that is (1) appropriate and consistent with and essential for the prevention, diagnosis, or treatment of a Patient’s condition; (2) the most appropriate supply or level of service for the Patient’s condition that can be provided safely; (3) not provided primarily

  • politically exposed person means a domestic politically exposed person, foreign politically exposed person or international organisation politically exposed person; and

  • Supervising physician means any physician licensed under Iowa Code chapter 148, 150, or 150A. The supervising physician is responsible for medical direction of emergency medical care personnel when such personnel are providing emergency medical care.

  • Critical Illness means an illness, sickness or disease or corrective measure as specified in Section 6 of this policy document.

  • Serious illness means an accident, injury, illness, disease, or physical or mental condition that: poses imminent danger of death; requires inpatient care in a hospital, hospice, or residential medical facility; or requires continuing in-home care under the direction of a physician or health care provider. Related current definitions are summarized in (f) below.

  • Medically Fit to Travel means based on assessment a Legally Qualified Physician has advised You, a Traveling Companion, Family Member or Business Partner booked to travel with You in writing that there is no medical condition, illness, Injury or Sickness that would likely interfere with a Trip at the time of purchase of Coverage for a Trip.