Examples of Mega project in a sentence
The city level plan/projects (Mega project) and the projects that can be implemented exclusively by Municipality also should be clearly mentioned in MSIP.
I had the responsibility to represent KAUST interests in front of Aramco PMT, Bin laden, Saudi Oger & Oger international, HOK, and other stakeholdersAug 2006-Dec 2008Saudi Aramco New Business Development, Aramco/ ConocoPhillips YASREF export refinery Mega project Houston, USA Joined a team from Saudi Aramco, Conoco Phillips and their contractor Kellogg Brown & Root KBR in Houston, TX working on the design of a $ 10 b state-of-the-art Joint Venture Yanbu Refinery complex.
For example, PV array inspectors could be trained to identify conditions that could damage the final cap cover before the problems became more serious and expensive to repair.
However, if any technically qualified buyer is a Mega project, Updated catalog will be created and E-auction will proceed for auction even irrespective of number of technically qualified buyers or Number of bids in the Round 1.
To the extent possible, performance indicators used in the reporting should align with the measures included in the application and should relate to at least one of the selection criteria defined in Section E.6 Before the start of construction of the Mega project, the project sponsor must submit a report providing baseline data for the purpose of analyzing the long-term impact of the project.