Mentoring definition

Mentoring means a program allowing students to experience cosmetology arts and sciences in a licensed salon under the guidance of a mentor.
Mentoring means the acts of a certified mentor providing support and focused feedback to a novice teacher (according to the state-adopted mentoring model) with the goal of enhancing instructional skills, classroom management, and professional behavior.
Mentoring means activities, training and service in mentoring support or assistance provided through a formally organized approved comprehensive induction program or such supplemental mentoring programs as required by regulation or by the educator's employing authority. Mentoring includes, but is not limited to the mentoring that occurs in the approved comprehensive induction programs required for educators during their three (3) year one (1) year Provisional Licensure period, followed by a four (4) year Initial Licensure period, a Continuing Licensure period, or any other mentoring program as required by law.

Examples of Mentoring in a sentence

  • Mentoring activities provided to postdoctoral researchers supported on the project will be evaluated under the Broader Impacts review criterion.

  • Every institution shall, at the end of each academic year, in order to promote the objectives of these Regulations, constitute a Mentoring Cell consisting of students volunteering to be Mentors for freshers, in the succeeding academic year; and there shall be as many levels or tiers of Mentors as the number of batches in the institution, at the rate of one Mentor for six freshers and one Mentor of a higher level for six Mentors of the lower level.

  • Mentoring may be implemented in various circumstances such as new hires to a unit; a nurse returns from a layoff or leave of absence (including sick leave or long term disability) or for purposes of cross-training.

  • Important Proposal Preparation Information: FastLane will check for required sections of the full proposal, in accordance with Grant Proposal Guide (GPG) instructions described in Chapter II.C.2. The GPG requires submission of: Project Summary; Project Description; References Cited; Biographical Sketch(es); Budget; Budget Justification; Current and Pending Support; Facilities, Equipment & Other Resources; Data Management Plan; and Postdoctoral Mentoring Plan, if applicable.

  • ID cards must be presented at all school functions and students may be asked to present it during the course of the day for any variety of reasons.

More Definitions of Mentoring

Mentoring means a program allowing students in a school to experience barbering and cosmetology arts and sciences in a licensed establishment under the guidance of a mentor.
Mentoring in general means an experienced person – a mentor – passing over his/her knowledge and experience to a young person at an early stage of his/her professional career – the mentee (Havenith, Martin, and Petersen 2003, p. 7). This may refer both to topically relevant expert knowledge and to non-codified knowledge, for example to “rules of the game” or ways of behavior, in order to achieve strategic aims. Thus, it serves both career and personal development (Hansen 2006, p. 33). Usually mentoring is connected to goals set for both mentors and mentees. In this way the mentees are accompanied and supported during their development as professionals or individuals, while the mentors receive new stimulations for reflecting on their previous knowledge and skills.
Mentoring means a process of informal transmission of knowledge, social capital and psychosocial support relevant to work, career or professional development. Mentoring entails informal communication, usually face-to-face and over a sustained period, between a person identified by the hosting organisation as the mentor, on one hand, who is perceived to have relevant knowledge, expertise and experience, and the EU Aid Volunteer, on the other;
Mentoring means guiding or tutoring another individual in the areas of technical, professional, managerial, or ethical competence in the technical professions.
Mentoring means the pairing of a mentor with an educator who is either new to the profession or new to the school in order to provide training, orientation, assistance and support. Further, for the purposes of this rule, a 1mentor" is an educator who has demonstrated high- quality instructional practice and who has been provided training in mentoring.
Mentoring means different things to different people.
Mentoring means activities, prescribed by the Department or other employing authority in which a holder of an Initial License must engage during the three year term of the Initial License. Mentoring also means activities prescribed by the Department or other employing authority for educators who are new to Delaware or who move to another employing authority. training and service in mentoring support or assistance provided through a formally organized approved mentoring program or such supplemental mentoring programs as required by regulation or by the educator's employing authority. Mentoring includes, but is not limited to the mentoring programs required for educators during their three (3) year Initial Licensure period, a Continuing Licensure period, or any other mentoring program as required by law.