Instructional Skills Sample Clauses

Instructional Skills. Understands and is able to translate District programs into effective classroom presentations or experiences. Provides for individual differences by utilizing appropriate instructional strategies. Provides for student activities that fall in both the behavioral and academic areas. Effectively communicates with students. Informs students of the objectives of the course. Incorporates appropriate student ideas into the teaching/learning experience. Evaluates student performance in terms of course objectives and subject matter knowledge.
Instructional Skills. The teacher: • Has a command of the subjects taught. • Maintains a high level of time on task. • Assesses and meets individual needs and refers students with special needs to appropriate personnel through established channels. • Assigns tasks at the appropriate level of difficulty. • Provides relevant and sufficient examples and demonstrations to illustrate concepts and skills. • Encourages students’ responsibility for their own learning. • Employs material and techniques that xxxxxx higher order learning skills. • Presents instructional activities that use concepts and language which are understandable to the students. • Integrates the use of technology into lesson plans • Accepts professional responsibility for the education of all children assigned to him/her.
Instructional Skills. 1. Implements adopted course goals. 2. Prepares lesson plans consistent with course goals. 3. Displays knowledge of content area being taught. 4. Uses time effectively. 5. Individualizes instruction to accommodate varying ability levels. 6. Involves all students in the learning process by providing activities commensurate with their ability. 7. Monitors and evaluates students' progress. 8. Promotes positive student self image by providing opportunities for success.
Instructional Skills. The teacher demonstrates, in his or her performance, a competent level of knowledge and skill in designing and conducting an instructional experience. 1.1 Writes and teaches to clear objectives and plans both short-term and long-term instructional experiences appropriate for the level and curriculum. 1.2 Effectively utilizes principles of learning in helping students achieve objectives. 1.3 Provides an appropriate variety of instructional experiences. 1.4 Uses instructional strategies appropriate to pupils, subject matter, and desired goals. 1.5 Monitors ongoing student performance to adjust lessons and to plan future learning. 1.6 Uses District goals, student learning objectives, and guides effectively. 1.7 Demonstrates creativity in the teaching process.
Instructional Skills. (1) uses a variety of instructional techniques suitable to the age, needs, readiness and abilities of students and the subject matter being taught; (2) motivates students to achieve their potential; (3) uses various resources to promote questioning, reflection, speculation, and creativity; (4) uses relevant classroom displays and displays of student work to promote learning; (5) presents skills and content clearly and cogently; (6) asks questions which promote a higher order of thinking skills; (7) monitors individual understanding effectively; (8) creates assignments which utilize, reinforce or expand upon the content of the lesson; (9) communicates lesson purposes and objectives to the students effectively.
Instructional Skills. The certificated classroom teacher demonstrates, in his or her performance, a competent level of knowledge and skill in designing and conducting an instruction experience: COMMENTS:
Instructional Skills. Comments:
Instructional Skills. (1) uses a variety of instructional techniques and modalities that are suitable to the age, needs, readiness and abilities of students and the content being taught including Xxxxx-Xxxxxxxxxx methodologies and the School Program; (2) motivates students to achieve their potential; (3) displays student work to promote learning; (4) presents skills and content clearly and cogently; (5) asks questions which promote a higher order of thinking skills; (6) monitors individual understanding effectively; and (7) communicates lesson purposes and objectives to the students effectively.
Instructional Skills. THE CERTIFICATED CLASSROOM EMPLOYEE DEMONSTRATES, IN HIS OR HER PERFORMANCE, A COMPETENT LEVEL OF KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL IN DESIGNING AND CONDUCTING AN INSTRUCTIONAL EXPERIENCE. Unsatisfactory Basic Proficient Distinguished N/O 1.1 Sets Instructional Goals      1.2 Designs Instruction      1.3 Uses Assessment To Inform And Improve Instruction      1.4 Communicates Clearly And Xxxxxxxxxx      1.5 Uses Questioning And Discussion Techniques      1.6 Engages Students In Learning      1.7 Provides Feedback to Students      1.8 Adapts Lessons Based On Student Needs      Comments:
Instructional Skills. motivates students to achieve their potential. uses various resources to promote learning. uses relevant classroom displays and displays of student work to promote learning. presents skills and content clearly and cogently. asks questions which promote a higher order of thinking skills. effectively monitors individual understanding. creates assignments which utilize, reinforce, or expand upon the content of the lesson. involves students in experiences and activities designed to develop and stimulate thought with due consideration for individual differences.