Examples of Method Statements in a sentence
Work Instructions (Method Statements) will be developed for all company operations.
The baseline Risk Assessment must further include the Standard Working procedures (SWP) and the applicable Method Statements based on the Risk Assessments All out-of-scope work must be associated with a Risk Assessment.
Method Statements are written submissions to the ECO by the Contractor in collaboration with the assigned EO, in response to a request by the ECO.
The Method Statements should set out the plant, materials, labour and method that the contractor proposes using to carry out the intended construction activities.
Each employee will be expected to know and adhere to all training and the contents of the employee handbook supplied to them, especially the following; • OHS&R employee handbook • Relevant Work Method Statements (SWiM’s) • Safe Working Procedures (SWP’s) Each employee must have regard for their own safety and the safety of others in and around the work place and must immediately report all accidents, near hits and hazards observed.