MIGRATION COMPLETION DATE means, for any Category of Service which Customer elects to have Sabre provide with respect to the Preview Operations, the date upon which the migration contemplated by the applicable Migration Plan shall have been completed, and Sabre shall have begun performing the selected Base Services on a regular basis with respect to the Preview Operations.
MIGRATION COMPLETION DATE means the date a migration is completed in accordance with a Migration Plan.
MIGRATION COMPLETION DATE means the date a migration is completed in accordance with a Migration Plan. "MIGRATION MILESTONES" has the meaning given in Section 4.2(b).


MIGRATION COMPLETION DATE has the meaning set forth in Schedule 2B of this Agreement.
MIGRATION COMPLETION DATE means the date on which (a) certain data elements of the User Data have been fully transferred and imported into the Platform’s database in accordance with the Migration Plan and (b) the URL www.ebay.com.cn resolves to a landing page where users are given the choice to link to (i) the Platform; (ii) the eBay XBT Site; or (iii) eBay’s customer service information pages for purposes of trailing activities where such resolution occurs within five (5) days of Tom Online’s advance written confirmation that the Platform is ready to accept traffic generated from the links on the landing page, and (c) the Platform is able to accept user log-on transaction activities as specified in the Platform Launch Criteria; all in accordance with the Migration Plan;


  • Construction Completion Date means the date by which the overall development of the Project is completed in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement and when the Construction Completion Certificate is issued by the Independent Engineer as per Article 14.1.

  • Project Completion Date means the date on which the Completion Certificate is issued;

  • Target Completion Date has the meaning given such term in Section 3.3(b).

  • The Completion Date means the date of completion of the Works as certified by the Employer’s Representative.

  • Completion Date means the date of completion of the Services by the Service Provider as certified by the Procuring Entity

  • Final Completion Date means the date on which Final Completion occurs.

  • project completion period means the period of sixty (60) months commencing from and expiring on for the construction and obtaining of Temporary Occupation Permit or Permits for the whole of the Development as provided in clause 3.3;

  • Substantial Completion Date means the date on which Substantial Completion occurs.

  • COMPLETION TIME means the period by ‘date/month’ specified in the ‘Letter of Intent/Award’ or date mutually agreed upon for handing over of the intended scope of work, the erected equipment/plant which are found acceptable by the Engineer, being of required standard and conforming to the specifications of the Contract.

  • Construction Completion means physical construction of a cleanup action component is complete.

  • Completion Period means the period starting from the date of issue of "Order" and required to complete the work in all respect.

  • Scheduled Completion Date shall be the date set forth in Clause 10.3;

  • Project Start Date means the first Milestone Start Date specified in Schedule B;

  • Final Completion means the date determined and certified by A/E and Owner on which the Work is fully and satisfactorily complete in accordance with the Contract.

  • Project Completion means completion of the Redevelopment in accordance with this Agreement to the state where the whole of the Morley Shopping Centre, as so redeveloped, is capable of occupation for its intended purpose;

  • Construction Commencement Date means the date set out in the Addendum, if applicable, by which you must commence construction of the Hotel. For the Hotel to be considered under construction, youmust have begun to pour concrete foundations for the Hotel or otherwise satisfied any site-specific criteria for “under construction” set out in the Addendum.

  • Testson Completion means the tests which are specified in the Contractor agreed by both Parties or instructed as a Variation, and which are carried out under Clause 9 [Tests on Completion] before the Works or a Section (as the case may be) are taken over by the Procuring Entity.

  • Commissioning Period means, with respect to each Subproject, the period commencing upon the first delivery of Feed Gas to the Subproject in accordance with Sections 4.8 and 11.1 of the Agreement continuing through achievement of RFSU, commissioning, Start Up, Performance Testing and achievement of Substantial Completion for such Subproject.

  • Completion Deadline means the date by which the Arrangement is to be completed, which date shall be April 30, 2014 or such later date as may be agreed to in writing by the Parties;

  • Outside Completion Date shall have the meaning assigned to such term in Section 6.3(d).

  • Commercial Operation Date (COD) means the date certified by the DISCOM’s committee upon successful commissioning (as per provisions of the PPA) of the project when all equipments as per rated capacity have been installed and energy has flown into the grid.

  • Guaranteed Substantial Completion Date or “Guaranteed Substantial Completion Dates” has the meaning set forth in Section 5.3B.

  • Time of Completion means the time for completing the execution of and passing the Tests on Completion of the Works of any section or part thereof as stated in the Contract (or as extended under Clause...) calculated from the Commencement Date

  • Virtual Completion means the premise is in the opinion of the Employer fit for occupation.

  • Billing Commencement Date means the earlier of:

  • Project Commencement Date means the commencement date notified to the Minister pursuant to clause 4(1);