Examples of Minor Infraction in a sentence
Students will be subject to disciplinary consequences for Bus Conduct Notices throughout each semester as outlined below: Minor Infraction: Warning, parent notification, and possible detention.
For the purpose of differentiating the degree of seriousness of acts of academic misconduct and the sanctions that should be imposed, the following definitions apply: Minor Infraction -- Minor infractions comprise those instances of cheating, plagiarism, and/or tampering which affect the grade of an individual class assignment or project of lesser (<25% of grade) importance.
When the complaint is received, the HNB Complaints Committee will determine if it’s considered a Minor Infraction or Major Infraction.
Upon reaching the 10th Minor Infraction, a Mandatory parent and student meeting will be held to discuss further consequences.SWPBIS (School Wide Positive Behavior Intervention Support) Kinder high school will facilitate positive behavior with respect to our students and our staff.
Minor Violations Discipline Cycle for Kindergarten-1st Students Teachers, in response to minor violations in or outside the classroom, will take the appropriate steps on the Minor Infraction Form when students fail to abide by the established behavioral expectations.