Minor Version definition

Minor Version means one in which some new features and functionality are delivered along with fixes. Versions with numbering of "X.Y" are usually considered minor versions, e.g. webMethods 9.7 or Natural 6.3. Minor versions usually offer easy upgrade and an “install over” approach to upgrade.
Minor Version is a means to track routine inputs to the HQT made by the program to the Montana Mitigation System Habitat Quantification Tool Technical Manual for Greater Sage-Grouse or Montana Mitigation System Policy Guidance for Greater Sage-Grouse. Minor Versions are identified as x.1, x.2, x.3, etc. Examples of routine inputs include updates to Geographic Information System layers used in the HQT and editorial changes.
Minor Version means a release of a software product that contains minor bug fixes or performance improvements, with limited changes to features, functionality, or underlying technology, typically identified by “dot” release numbers.

Examples of Minor Version in a sentence

  • If set to a value different to 0xFFFF FFFF, services with this specific minor version shall be returned only.⌋()Note: It is expected that the Minor Version on client side is configured to 0xFFFF FFFF in normal operation since the client should accept all different Minor Versions.

  • Any of a Major Version, Minor Version, Service Pack, Patch Update, or Hotfix.

  • Use of Updates is subject to the terms of the end user license agreement provided with the Update; if no such agreement is included with an Update, the end user license agreement for the most recent Service Pack, Minor Version or Major Version shall apply.

  • Major and Minor Version fields are to represent the version of ISAKMP protocol which is used.

  • Following End of Maintenance, Supplier shall be under no obligation to provide new Fixes but will (for a minimum of 12 months from End of Maintenance) provide web-based and telephone assistance (“Sustained Support”) to the Customer for Standard Releases in respect of the relevant Major Version and/or Minor Version.

More Definitions of Minor Version

Minor Version means a new version of Cloud View which is merely reserved for fixing security vulnerabilities and addressing errors or malfunctions and, if at all, only to a limited extent contains functional changes (including architectural and/or interface elements) without altering the existing functionality, architecture and/or public interfaces in material respects. A Minor Version is dictated by the second and third sequence, i.e. x.2, x.3.1, x.3.2;
Minor Version means a Software product release with corrections or minor enhancements to the product capability of the Major Version that do not change the core functionalities or material features of the Software product. A Minor Version is designated by a change in the number to the right of the decimal point (e.g., from 5.3 to 5.4) or a release (R) or month number (e.g., GroupWise 2015 R2), and is released for wide distribution. For purposes of this provision, a “Suite” is a single part number that entitles the customer to multiple individual Software products that together form a complete solution. A Suite product release will take place when there is significant new or improved functionality within any of the individual software products bundled in the Suite. Suite versions are either designated by a change in the number to the left of the decimal point (e.g., from version 5.4 to 6) or a year number (e.g., from 2015 to 2016), or a year and month (e.g., 2016.11), and are released for wide distribution.
Minor Version means the first two numbers in the LDP/PD Software release version. For example, release 6.1.0 is the Minor Version 6.1, relating to Major Version 6.
Minor Version means any minor change made by Developer to the Product, including changes made for purposes of maintaining Operating System and data base system comparability, error correction and work-arounds (designated sequentially by Developer as "Version 1.1.1," "Version 1.1.2," etc.). Minor Versions will operate on the same Operating System as the immediately preceding Version.
Minor Version means a product version with a higher numerical designation to the right of the decimal point (e.g., the change from Version 1.1 to Version 1.2) including, without limitation, any updates, service releases, patches, upgrades, or similar changes to such software.
Minor Version a version of the Software Product denoted by a change in the number to the right of the first point, a service pack, or a new version of the Software Product containing minor changes, bug fixes, etc.
Minor Version means a release version of the Covered Product containing minor functional enhancements and corrections of previously reported Errors, and which is typically denoted by a change in the number to the right of the first decimal point (e.g., version 2.1.0 to 2.2.0).