Examples of Missing student in a sentence
MISSING STUDENT REPORTING Suspected Missing student reports should be reported immediately by calling UHDPS at 860-768-7985 or by dialing 7777.
Missing student reports will be immediately referred to the Public Safety Department and/or the East Pennsboro Police department.
Missing student reports should be referred immediately to the College’s University Police department, with the Chief of University Police or designee being the main contact official.
The students were told of the importance of the research and the need to cooperate by writing their names and the areas they reside.
Passing, Failing and Missing student counts for every topic (the high missing numbers for B4 and beyond are because this snapshot was taken half way through the week in which B4 and A1 were given in labs, and one week prior to the distribution of the A3 quiz) We wanted all the students to pass all the required quizzes, so we watched those numbers as the course progressed and reached out to students who were not passing required quizzes from earlier in the course.
Personal identifiers and property records can assist UHDPS in their efforts of recovering stolen property.MISSING STUDENT REPORTING Suspected Missing student reports should be reported immediately by calling UHDPS at 860-768-7985 or by dialing 7777.
Missing student contact information will be registered confidentially and will be accessible only to authorized University officials and may not be disclosed except to law enforcement personnel in furtherance of a missing person investigation.
Missing student contact information provided by a student will be registered confidentially, accessible only to authorized University officials.
Examples include: Physical/emotional illness or accident Trauma or physical assault Missing student for unknown reasons Death of a student or other program member Political coup or civil unrest Natural disaster Terrorism Incarceration Kidnapping Pandemic Potentially dangerous situation such as questionable facilities or transportation Perceived Emergency: No immediate significant risk, but perceived as threatening by students, family, university official and/or others.
In the existing scheme of things, none outside the police department would have access to performance appraisal reports recorded in ACRs and visiting remarks by senior officers.