Mitigation fee definition

Mitigation fee means fees established by the Department to be paid by development permittees (including capital and infrastructure projects) to fund the implementation activities including, but not limited to, the cost of land acquisition, land endowment, habitat management land improvement, and administration of the HCP program.
Mitigation fee means a mitigation fee authorized and imposed pursuant to subsection (5) of this section.
Mitigation fee means a fee assessed by a

Examples of Mitigation fee in a sentence

  • ThePetitionershallcomplywiththe City Ordinance 16-32 Infiltrationand Inflow Mitigation fee as revised through ordinance number 33242 dated June 1, 2015.

  • Final units that do not meet the inspection thresholds as defined in the above paragraph will be required to pay the balance up to 100 percent of the Housing In-lieu fee/Housing Mitigation fee prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy.

  • Upon connection to the sewer system, the Petitioner shall paythe required Infiltration and Inflow Mitigation fee.

  • Mitigation fee programs require separate fee calculation and documentation, and fees must be periodically updated to keep up with fluctuating agricultural land or easement costs.

  • If the Aapplicant disagrees with the amount of the Tree Mitigation fee imposed, they may file appeal with the Board of Zoning Appeals in accordance with the provisions contained in this Ordinance.

More Definitions of Mitigation fee

Mitigation fee or "Mitigation Fees" shall mean the mitigation fees per Unit described in Section 9.
Mitigation fee means the fee imposed pursuant to the provisions of this chapter. "Parcel" means all real property for which a development permit is applied.
Mitigation fee means a charge or in-kind contribution that is based on the amount of harm and is paid or provided to a plan participant in exchange for mitigation credit to be used to comply with the federal act.
Mitigation fee means the elective fee described in subdivisions (d) and (e) of Section 1927.4, which is to be deposited into the Western Joshua Tree Mitigation Fund.
Mitigation fee means the fee or fees referred to as such in Section 3.4 below, and is intended to provide further and final mitigation with respect to the Gaming Center (i) in accordance with subsection 3.4.a. so long as there has been no Expansion, and (ii) in accordance with Subsection 3.4.b. if there has been an Expansion.
Mitigation fee means the fee imposed pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter.
Mitigation fee. To obtain the necessary mitigation credits from the ILF Program,   [insert purchaser’s name] paid the ILF Program $ . This mitigation fee was allocated into the ILF program accounts as follows in Table 1. Table 1.   Service Area Mitigation Fee Allocations Land $     % $   Program Admin $     % $   Contingency $     % $   Long-term Mgmt $     % $   Project $     % $   *These percentages should correspond to the amounts specified in the Final ILF Program Instrument. [Provide any additional information necessary to ensure the above table is understandable.]