most favoured nation treatment means any advantage, favour, privilege or immunity granted by any Member State to any product originating in or destined for any third country and shall be accorded immediately and unconditionally to the like product originating in or destined for the territories of all other Member States;
most favoured nation treatment. (MFN) means that advantages that any Tripartite Member/Partner State offers to third countries would be offered to other Tripartite Member/Partner States. The purpose is to ensure that Tripartite
most favoured nation treatment means non-discriminatory application of tariffs, para-tariffs and non-tariff barriers.
More Definitions of most favoured nation treatment
most favoured nation treatment. Contracting Parties shall accord to transit transport to or from the territory of any other Contracting Parties treatment no less favourable than the treatment accorded to transit transport to or from any other country; National Treatment: Contracting Parties shall accord to products which have been in transit through the territory of any other Contracting Party treatment no less favourable than that which would have been accorded to such products had they been transported from their place of origin to their destination without going through the territory of such other Contracting Party; Consistency: Contracting Parties shall ensure the consistent application of the relevant laws and regulations, procedures, and administration guidelines and other rulings within each Contracting Party;
most favoured nation treatment with respect to goods shall mean that the goods imported from a one country or territory shall enjoy the treatment not less favourable than the treatment accorded to like goods imported from any other country or territory;
most favoured nation treatment means treatment accorded immediately and unconditionally to the nationals of all other Member States of the World Trade Organization;
most favoured nation treatment or “MFN Treatment” means:
most favoured nation treatment. (MFN) requires parties to treat all foreign services and service providers at least as well as the best treatment provided to any like foreign services and service providers from other WTO nations. For example, if any private for-profit U.S. firm is allowed to provide management services to public primary and secondary schools, then the same access must be provided to all like services and providers from any other WTO member country. Transparency obligations require Domestic regulations are a high priority for the Global Services Network and, not surprisingly, are a key set of issues on the GATS negotiating table. GATS proponents wish to ensure that Domestic regulations require Specific rules are among the most oner- ous in the GATS. Unlike the general rules, these obligations apply only where nations make explicit commit- ments to cover sectors or sub-sectors. Nations can determine the level of com- mitment they are willing to make by placing limitations on the application of rules to each service classification, although other parties can and do apply significant pressures to open up all service markets. Two of the most important specific rules are “national treatment” and “market access”. The national treatment rule, if Market access provisions limit the Market access provisions ensure that private for-profit services and providers are given the same level of access as either private non-profit or public non- profit services or providers. For example, if Canada made an unlimited commit- ment in this area, school districts could not stop the establishment of a private for-profit, non-denominational school and, as noted above, a provincial government would likely be required to provide grants at least equivalent to those provided in the public system.
most favoured nation treatment means treatment accorded within the territories of a Party upon terms no less favourable than the treatment accorded therein, in like situations, to nationals, companies, products, vessels or other objects, as the case may be, of any third country.
most favoured nation treatment means treatment upon terms not less favourable than the terms of the treatment accorded by the granting State to any third State in a defined sphere of international relations with respect to determined persons or things.