Mutual Aid Agreement Sample Clauses
Mutual Aid Agreement. A written understanding between communities and States obligating assistance during adisaster. See FEMA Publication FP-104-00902, Mutual Aid Agreements for Public Assistance and Fire Management Assistance. 44. OSHA – Occupational Safety and Health Administration 45. PPE – Personal Protective Equipment, may also be referred to as “Safety Gear” 46. RACM – Regulated Asbestos Containing Material
Mutual Aid Agreement. A written understanding between communities and States obligating assistance during adisaster. See FEMA Publication FP-104-00902, Mutual Aid Agreements for Public Assistance and Fire Management Assistance.
Mutual Aid Agreement. Article 1. The purpose of this Agreement is to provide mutual aid among the parties to this Agreement in meeting any Disaster. The prompt, full, and effective utilization of the resources of the respective counties, towns, or cities, including such resources that may be available from the state or federal governments or any other source, are essential to the safety, care and welfare of the people and property thereof in the event of a Disaster. All available resources including personnel, equipment, or supplies, shall be incorporated into a plan or plans of mutual aid. The Emergency Management Directors of the respective county members shall be voting members of the South Alabama Mutual Assistance Compact. The voting members of the South Alabama Mutual Assistance Compact shall establish a committee to formulate plans and take all necessary steps for the implementation of this Agreement which shall be voted on by the voting members.
Article 2. It shall be the duty of each Political Entity that is a member of the South Alabama Mutual Assistance Compact to identify an Emergency Management Coordinator to serve as the single point of contact for requests and information sharing and coordination between the Political Entity and the Baldwin County Emergency Operations Center; and formulate plans and procedures for implementation of this Agreement including, but not limited to, the authorization of the County Emergency Management Director in their jurisdiction to deploy their resources and to provide for free exchange of information and plans, including inventories of personnel, materials, supplies, equipment and other resources available for carrying out provisions of this Agreement. The Political Entity and Emergency Management Coordinator shall ensure the Baldwin County Emergency Management Agency has updated and relevant contact information for the Emergency Management Coordinator at all times. Each participating Political Entity shall bear the risk of its own actions, as it does with its day-to-day operations, and determine for itself what kinds of insurance and, in what amounts, it should carry. Each assisting Political Entity shall be solely responsible for determining that its insurance is current and adequate prior to providing assistance under this Agreement.
Article 3. All mutual aid assistance should be requested by and through the Baldwin County Emergency Management Agency in Baldwin County, AL, in which the requesting Political Entity is located. Pol...
Mutual Aid Agreement. During the performance period of this Grant the grantee must participate in a legally-adopted county and/or regional mutual aid agreement.
Mutual Aid Agreement. It is further agreed by the parties hereto that fire protection and rescue services may be furnished to residents of non-participating municipalities to the extent approved and permitted by the Commission. The Commission shall review and approve the mutual aid agreement pursuant to Section 66.3125, Wis. Stats., and Chap. WEM 8, Wis. Adm. Code, and shall establish the radius or area within which mutual aid will be provided. Municipalities joining the District shall add representatives to the
Mutual Aid Agreement. On August 26th Xxxxxxxx Mayor Xxxxx Xxxxx, Kingston Mayor Xxx Xxxx, City Manager Xxxxx Xxxxxxx, along with Kingston Fire Chief Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxxx Fire Chief Xxxxx Xxxxxx and firemen from both cities met to acknowledge the Mutual Aid Agreement approved by both cities. It has already proved to benefit Kingston Mayor Xxx Xxxx with Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx who was presented at the Teen Board this month (and with her parents King- ston Police Chief Xxx Xxxxxx and wife Xxxx; and sisters Xxxxxx and Xxxx. —Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxx†any Xxxx Xxxxxx Volume 12, Issue 145 August 2016 Water Dept. employees prepare to repair a sewer line under a sidewalk. Kingston Fire Chief Xxxxxx Xxxxxx holds one of the new air paks, purchased as replacements for the original ones, following xxxx- bursement from The Pool. A glitch in the compressor when servicing the paks caused them to be unusable. See training picture at the bo1om of the page for the new paks. In August a total of 300 participants from all over the Southeast competed in the "Storm the Fort" Iron Man Triathlon in Kingston. The race consisted of events in swimming, biking, and running. Sept. 8 at 6 p.m. — Xxxxx Xxxxx, author of Secrets on Sand Beach and Blood Isn’t Al- ways Thicker than Water (upcoming).
Mutual Aid Agreement. COOPERATOR’s with mutual aid agreements in place may request resources from other agencies. Northern Great Plains Interagency Dispatch will then be notified in a timely manner of the filled request. However, when a COOPERATOR responds to a local fire on private, state, or federal property on state or federal jurisdiction within the COOPERATOR’s area of primary responsibility or an adjacent area of mutual aid, the State will not pay for such fire suppression unless initial attack effort extends for more than three hours. When initial attack becomes compensable, payment is from the time of dispatch to the time of release from the incident as noted by times on the crew time report. Furthermore, the STATE will not pay for COOPERATOR fire suppression services under this agreement within the territorial jurisdiction of the COOPERATOR. The exception is FEMA declared incidents or State Declared Disaster area by the Governor.. This Mutual Aid Agreement provision will not supersede any written agreement between a federal agency and the COOPERATOR dealing with specific federal areas of ownership or parcels within the COOPERATOR’s initial or extended attack area (i.e. military bases or federal reservations).
Mutual Aid Agreement. In compliance with mutual aid agreements annotated in MGL. Ch.40, § 8G, affiliated police departments of the Metropolitan Law Enforcement Council (Metro-LEC), and/or the Norfolk County Police Anti-Crime Task Force (NORPAC), which includes the Medfield Police Department, have accepted the provisions of § 8G and as a result have established and implemented a written Memorandum of Agreement (MOA). In signing the MOA, each signatory municipality and respective Chief of Police invokes Massachusetts General Law Chapter 40, § 8G, and thereby requests the assistance of each of the other signatory chiefs and their department’s police officers in conducting law enforcement, and the protection of life, property and safety of people within their cities and towns; so long as this Memorandum of Agreement is in effect.
1. The Medfield Chief of Police, thereby requests the assistance of the other signatory chiefs and their departments in conducting law enforcement throughout the duration of the MOA.
2. Each signatory Chief of Police thereby consents to provide the services of their department throughout the duration of the MOA to the Medfield Police Department and the Town of Medfield.
3. Each signatory Chief of Police recognizes and asserts that full police authority is granted to every police officer, of every member agency, in each municipality, whereas the respective Chief of Police has signed the MOA.
4. Nothing in the MOA authorizes a member agency to conduct law enforcement functions or provide police services in another jurisdiction, over the objection of the Chief of Police of the specific municipality.
Mutual Aid Agreement. On January 1, 2008, the Town of Merton and the Town of Oconomowoc entered into a Public Works Emergency Response Mutual Aid Agreement (“Agreement”) with the Town of Lisbon, Village of Hartland, Village of Merton and the Village of Chenequa (Exhibit J). The municipalities are geographically vulnerable to a variety of natural and technological disasters and recognizing this vulnerability, have entered into this Agreement for cooperative and reciprocal public works emergency response aid and assistance. The purpose of the Agreement is to:
1. Reduce vulnerability of people and property of this State to damage, injury and loss of life and property;
2. Prepare for prompt and efficient rescue, care and treatment of threatened or affected persons;
3. Provide for the rapid and orderly rehabilitation of persons and restoration of property; and
4. Provide for cooperation and coordination of activities relating to emergency and disaster mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery. This Agreement provides no right of action for third parties, semi-annual review of the agreement, procedures for requesting assistance, provider’s assessment of availability of resources and ability to render assistance, supervision and control, length of time for aid and assistance; renewability; recall, cost documentation and reimbursement, rights and privileges of provider’s employees, provider’s employees covered at all times by provider’s workers’ compensation, immunity, parties agree to hold each other harmless, amendments and additional members, and the duration of agreement. Any amendments to aforementioned Mutual Aid Agreement shall not cause this Plan to be amended. This Plan recognizes the fact that the Mutual Aid Agreement exists and that the Town of Merton and Town of Oconomowoc are members in the Agreement.
Mutual Aid Agreement. COOPERATOR’s with mutual aid agreements in place may request resources from other agencies. Great Plains Interagency Dispatch will then be notified in a timely manner of the filled request. However, when a COOPERATOR responds to a local fire on private, state, or federal property on state or federal jurisdiction within the COOPERATOR’s area of primary responsibility or an adjacent area of mutual aid, the State will not pay for such fire suppression unless initial attack effort extends for more than three hours. When initial attack becomes compensable, payment is from the time of dispatch to the time of release from the incident as noted by times on the crew time report. This Mutual Aid Agreement provision will not supersede any written agreement between a federal agency and the COOPERATOR dealing with specific federal areas of ownership or parcels within the COOPERATOR’s initial or extended attack area (i.e. military bases or federal reservations).