National Board for Professional Teaching Standards definition
Examples of National Board for Professional Teaching Standards in a sentence
You have the option to allow a teacher’s work for National Board certification or renewal certification to be substituted for portions of the summative evaluation; If you choose to do so, add the following language:A teacher's work completed for the certification or renewal of a certification from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards may be substituted for the whole or any part of the summative evaluation.
Teachers who receive certification from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) shall receive, in addition to all other salary and differential payments due to said teachers, a sum of $4,000 in each year the teacher holds the certification.
National Board Certification issued by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.
Any teacher covered by this agreement who is certified by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards shall be reimbursed up to $2,000 for the costs upon completion of the program.
Teachers who possess a valid National Board Teaching Certificate through the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards will receive an annual $2,000 stipend.
In order to promote high standards and continuing professional development, the parties agree that any teacher who has received National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) certification will have his/her regular scheduled salary increased by $2,000 annually.
Teachers who attain NBC certification after June 30, 2013 are eligible to receive from the State Department of Education a $5,000 bonus only if the teacher was (1) selected for the Educational Leadership Oklahoma Program before June 30, 2013, or (2) if the teacher applied for the certification to the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards before June 30, 2013.
A teacher who receives the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) certification will have his/her contract rewritten to include the National Board certification increment as listed in paragraph C below.
Any teacher showing documentation of submission of a completed portfolio by June 15 of the current school year to the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards shall receive a one-time merit award equal to B.1. above.
The particular study I wish to highlight today is more concerned with a sub sample of these teachers – those who just passed and those who did not pass the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) tests of excellence of teachers.