Examples of Net Common Fund in a sentence
Unless and until there is a Final Effective Date, these funds shall be used by the Qualified Settlement Fund Administrator and Trustee only to pay for Settlement Implementation Expenses with any remainder, including interest, disbursed pro rata from the Net Common Fund to New GM and the GUC Trust in the event this Agreement is terminated.
The Court finds that the Settlement Claim Review Protocol and the Allocation Decision are a fair and reasonable method to allocate the Net Common Fund, and the Parties, the Class Action Settlement Fund Administrator, and the Qualified Settlement Fund Administrator are directed to administer the Settlement Claim Review Protocol and Allocation Decision in accordance with their terms.
The Net Common Fund, which is the Settlement Amount less the costs of providing notice to the class and the expenses of administering the Settlement, will be exclusively used to provide payments to Class Members for eligible claims.
To the extent the court does not approve the full amount of Class Counsel Fees, Plaintiffs’ Litigation Expenses, Claims Administration Expenses, or the Class Representative Service Awards described above, the non-approved amounts will be allocated to all Settlement Class Members proportionately to the amounts otherwise to be paid each Settlement Class Member as part of the Net Common Fund.
The proposed Subclass Counsel also include Allocation Counsel, who zealously represented each of the five Subclasses for the purpose of advocating allocation of the Net Common Fund to members of each Subclass.B. The Class Meets Rule 23(b)(3)’s Predominance and Superiority Requirements.
Settlement Claims approved by the Class Action Settlement Administrator shall be paid from the Net Common Fund by the Qualified Settlement Fund Administrator and Trustee in accordance with the final determinations made by the Class Action Settlement Administrator pursuant to the Settlement Claim Review Protocol and the Allocation Decision and in accordance with the terms of this Settlement and the Qualified Settlement Fund Trust Agreement.
That percentage will be applied to the Net Common Fund to determine your Late Payment Share.
If eligible, a Settlement Claimant will receive a settlement payment pursuant to the Settlement Claim Review Protocol and the Allocation Decision to be disbursed from the Net Common Fund by theQualified Settlement Fund Administrator and Trustee after the amount is finally determined by the Class Action Settlement Fund Administrator.
Late Payment Shares: After deducting all Pre-Share Payments (including Pre-Share Payments made to OGC, Agri and Auto inspectors, Class Counsel’s Fees and Costs, and payments to the Class Representatives and Class Discovery Representatives), the Net Common Fund will be distributed: (1) to OGC inspectors who were paid under the fluctuating workweek (“FWW”) (also called “coefficient overtime”) method; and (2) to Opt-In Plaintiffs (whether OGC, Agri or Auto inspectors) who were paid on a semi-monthly basis.
Following the Effective Date, the Net Common Fund Settlement Amount shall be distributed by the Claims Administrator to the Authorized Claimants.