Examples of New Features in a sentence
All changes to data or schemas include automated migrations from previous versions back to version 3.0.1. All new or altered functionality is listed in the sections below for New Features and Changes to Existing Functionality.
New Features • Closed #439: Add method to explicitly close database connections [BROKEN: 5a876fd2d1ec] 0.4.13 (2016-12-12) Changes since 0.4.12 (2016-12-06).
New Features No new features were introduced with this patch release.
However, you can review the "New Features / Change Log" to see how you might change the new feature's behavior.
See the New Features section for more information.Looping around pointGraphComplete() Error (XC8-442) A non-deterministic pointer-related issue was causing this error to be printed, and terminating compilation.Debugging absolute objects (XC8-447) Some SFRs and absolute addressed objects residing in RAM would appear as being located in program memory during a MPLAB X or v8 debugging session.