New housing definition
Examples of New housing in a sentence
New housing developments must provide landscaping in accordance with the site description to provide screening, enclosure, shelter, and acoustic barriers and to enhance the overall visual/environmental impact of the development.
New housing developments must comply with the requirements of NOSWA and SEPA for connection to the public sewerage systems and the standards of disposal of waste water (see policy L/ENV24 Surface Water Drainage: Sustainable Urban Drainage System in Chapter 2).
New housing should be located near jobs and in areas of job growth and should address housing needs of the local work force.
The jail inspection unit shall, within 60 days of receiving plans, review them for compliance with this rule and forward any comments to the submitting authority.50.6(1) New housing units may be single occupancy cells, multiple occupancy cells or dormitory units.
New housing can be a variety of types and prices to meet the needs of a diverse population.
New housing units must be completed prior to the homebuyer submitting an offer to purchase.
New housing supply will be encouraged through intensification and infill that is consistent with the policies of the Official Plan.
The inspection unit shall, within 60 days of receiving plans, review them for compliance with these rules and forward any comments to the submitting authority.51.6(1) New housing units may be dormitory units, single occupancy cells or multiple occupancy cells.
After a court takes cognizance, a defect or deficiency in the investigation may come to the notice of the court, or such a defect or deficiency may be brought to the notice of the court by an informant, de factocomplainant, aggrieved person or the victim.
And, the grantee must determine that the project is necessary or appropriate to achieve its community development objectives.Tip: New housing construction carried out by an eligible nonprofit must be part of a larger effort to revitalize the neighborhood (i.e., a plan for the community’s revitalization efforts based on a comprehensive plan, not just for the sake of the CDBG project).