Examples of NHS Functions in a sentence
Where there are Integrated Commissioning arrangements in respect of an Individual Scheme, both Partners shall work in cooperation and shall endeavour to ensure that the NHS Functions and Health Related Functions are commissioned with all due skill, care and attention.
The XXXX Services are commissioned in exercise of the NHS Functions set out in Regulation 5 of the Regulations.
Consider whether there are any exclusions from the standard functions included (see definition of NHS Functions and Council Health Related Functions) There are no exclusions Services Provided What Services are going to be provided within this Scheme.
The Partners shall establish and maintain a charging policy and protocol to ensure that the delivery of health care through the performance of any NHS Functions pursuant to this Agreement shall remain free at the point of delivery whilst ensuring that effective procedures exist to facilitate the exercise by the Council of its charging function.
For the purposes of the implementation of the Partnership Arrangements, the CCGs hereby delegate the exercise of the NHS Functions to the Council to exercise alongside the Council Functions and act as lead commissioner of the Services.