NL definition
Examples of NL in a sentence
Everris International B.V.Nijverheidsweg 1-5; 6422 PD Heerlen (NL); Tel: +31 (0)45-5609100; Fax: +31 (0)45-5609190.
THE COMMON SEAL of NORTHERN MINING CORPORATION N.L. was hereunto affixed by authority of the Board of Directors in the presence of — Director C.
Caution is advised when interpreting comparability over time, due to developments in the implementation of questions related to computer skills, 2= results cover people who have no computer experience or failed the ICT test, 3= average of skills tested in reading, listening, writing, 4= in some Member States, ISCED 3 includes level 4 (CZ, EE, ES, IE, NL, FI, UK), while in others (IT, LU, NL) only public institutions figures are reported.
Dak., North Dakota; Nev., Nevada; NGA, Nigeria; Ni, nickel; N.J., New Jersey; NL, Newfoundland and Labrador; N.
TYLER THE COMMON SEAL of NORTHERN MINING CORPORATION N.L. was hereunto affixed by authority of the Board of Directors in the presence of: N.