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ESMF definition

ESMF mean the environmental and social management framework prepared and adopted by the Project Implementing Entity, and disclosed on the Association’s website on May 28, 2020, setting forth the guiding principles, acceptable standards and procedures (including organizational arrangements, consultation protocols and budgetary allocations) for: (a) the screening and assessment of the potential adverse environmental and social impacts (inter alia, health and safety issues) of Project activities; and (b) the preparation, whenever required, of the relevant ESMP(s), as such framework may be amended from time to time with the prior written concurrence of the Association.
ESMF means the framework that include the set of mitigation, enhancement, monitoring, and institutional measures to be taken during implementation of the Project to eliminate any adverse environmental and social impacts, offset them, reduce them to acceptable levels, or to enhance positive impacts as set out in the reportEnvironmental and Social Management Framework dated December 21, 2008, adopted by the Recipient.
ESMF means the framework dated, March 2007, prepared by the Recipient and approved by the Association, setting forth an environmental and social screening process that will enable Project implementers to identify and assess potential adverse environmental and social impacts, and offset and reduce them to acceptable levels, or enhance positive impacts, and in accordance with which ESMPs will be prepared and submitted to the Association for its approval, as the same may be amended from time to time with the concurrence of the Association.

Examples of ESMF in a sentence

  • In compliance with the ESMF, Environmental and Social Due Diligence has been carried out employing E&S risk screening templates.

  • ESMF mandates that for all Low and Moderate Risk projects, a standard ESMP shall be prepared, which will be updated based on the sub project specific activities.

  • The ESMF sets out the principles, rules, guidelines and procedures to assess the environmental and social risks and impacts.

  • Towards this objective, an Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) has been developed to lay out a mechanism for integrating environmental and social concerns into the planning, designing and implementation phase of JPSIP.

  • In compliance with ESMF, the framework provisions of ESMP, which shall be implemented by Contractor will be included as part of Bids and the Contractor upon on boarding shall submit C-ESMP with updated inputs on management plans.

More Definitions of ESMF

ESMF means the Recipient’s framework dated November 30, 2010, which: (i) sets forth standards, methods and procedures specifying how technological research activities under the Project whose location, number and scale are presently unknown shall systematically address environmental and social issues in the screening and categorization, sitting, design, implementation and monitoring phases during Project implementation; (ii) systematizes the environmental and social impact assessment required for such activities before Project execution; and (iii) stipulates the procedures for conducting site-specific environmental impact assessments, be they limited environmental impact assessments or full environmental impact assessment.
ESMF or “Environmental and Social Management Framework” means the Recipient’s document dated February 24, 2006 setting forth, inter alia, guidelines, procedures, timetable and other specifications designed to offset adverse environmental and social impacts related to Project activities, or to reduce them to acceptable levels, or to enhance positive impacts.
ESMF means the framework included in the EA setting out modalities to be followed in assessing the potential adverse environmental and social impact associated with activities to be implemented under the Project, and the measures to be taken to offset, reduce, or mitigate such adverse impact.
ESMF means Environmental and Social Management Framework, the document adopted by the Recipient on December 29, 2006, as updated as of June 21, 2010, consisting of a framework outlining the modalities for social and environmental screening of Project activities and rules and procedures for the preparation and implementation of ESIA to be complied with, as the case may be, prior to carrying out such activity.
ESMF means the framework dated May 2004 issued by the Recipient and outlining the environmental and social screening procedures to be followed during implementation of the Project including potential environmental and social risks and adverse impacts of the Project along with proposed mitigation measures;