ESMF definition
Examples of ESMF in a sentence
In compliance with the ESMF, Environmental and Social Due Diligence has been carried out employing E&S risk screening templates.
ESMF mandates that for all Low and Moderate Risk projects, a standard ESMP shall be prepared, which will be updated based on the sub project specific activities.
The ESMF sets out the principles, rules, guidelines and procedures to assess the environmental and social risks and impacts.
Towards this objective, an Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) has been developed to lay out a mechanism for integrating environmental and social concerns into the planning, designing and implementation phase of JPSIP.
In compliance with ESMF, the framework provisions of ESMP, which shall be implemented by Contractor will be included as part of Bids and the Contractor upon on boarding shall submit C-ESMP with updated inputs on management plans.